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. 2016 Apr 16;105:774–782. doi: 10.1007/s00392-016-0987-8

Table 2.

Comparison of procedural data

Group I
Group II
(no bonus-freeze)
Number of PVs, n 231 237
Total CB cycles per PV 2 (2, 2) 1 (1, 1) <0.001
Total CB cycles per PV until PVI 1 (1, 1) 1 (1, 1) 0.24
Number of isolated PVs, n (%) 230/231 (99) 235/237 (99) 0.66
Minimal CB2 temperature (°C) −51.1 ± 6 −48.2 ± 6 <0.001
Minimal esophageal temp. (°C) 34.6 (31, 36) 35.3 (34, 36) 0.05
Time to PVI (s) 40 (27, 65) 38 (28, 55) 0.32
Procedure time (min) 138.2 ± 29 113.8 ± 32 0.03
Fluoroscopy time (min) 24.3 ± 8 19.2 ± 6 0.02
Amount of contrast medium (ml) 160 (150, 200) 120 (100, 140) <0.001
Phrenic nerve palsy, n (%) 2 (3) 3 (5) 1.00

Values are expressed as mean and SD if data were normally distributed or as median (1st, 3rd quartile)

PV(s) Pulmonary vein(s), CB2 second-generation 28 mm cryoballoon, PVI pulmonary vein isolation