Figure 2. Sona is essential for the development of fly appendages.
These phenotypes were observed from escapers of sona47, sona13, and sona18 as well as transheterozygotes. (a,b) Arista in w1118 as a wild-type (wt) control (a), and missing and malformed branches of arista in sona47 escapers are marked with arrow and arrowhead, respectively (b). (c,d) Disrupted ommatidial bristles in sona (d) compared to control (c). (e,f) Kinked femur of sona (arrowhead in f) compared to control (e). (g,h) Wings of sona47 (h) are smaller than those of sona heterozygotes (g). (i,j) Missing bristles at the anterior wing margin of sona47 (j) compared to the heterozygous wing (i). (k–n) Wing size becomes smaller by expression of sona RNAi-1 (l,m) and sonaRNAi-2 (n) by nub-Gal4. Wings become crumpled in severe cases (m). (o–q) Wings become smaller by expression of sona RNAi-1 (p) and sonaRNAi-2 (q) by en-Gal4. (r) Quantitative analysis of the wing size (n = 10 each) shown in (g,h). Genotypes are indicated at lower left.