FIG 6 .
Characteristics of ADs from S. cerevisiae S288C. (A) Quantitative bead adhesion assay data show that Dynal beads coated with the same amount of secreted AD-S protein produced by Σ1278b strain L5478, S. cerevisiae var. diastaticus strain YIY345, or S288C strain BY4741 bound to different strains of yeast. Each column represents the mean ± the standard deviation of three independent experiments, with at least 200 beads counted per experiment. (B) Sequences encoding the amino-terminal domain (AD-S) of Flo11 from the S288C strain background were used to transform cells of three different backgrounds, namely, strain Σ1278b, S. cerevisiae var. diastaticus, and strain S288C. Western blot assays of culture supernatant with anti-His6 antibodies revealed a peptide of approximately 23 kDa from all three plasmid-bearing strains. (C) Quantitative bead adhesion assay data show that Dynal beads coated with the same number of moles of either secreted AD-S or ΔGPI-Flo11p-S produced in Σ1278b strain L5478 bound to S. cerevisiae var. diastaticus cells. Each column shows the mean ± the standard deviation of three independent experiments, with at least 200 beads counted per experiment. w.t., wild type.