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. 2016 Aug 17;9:30. doi: 10.1186/s13047-016-0164-3

Table 1.

Definitions of QUS measurements and their mathematical formulas

QUS measurements computed from a grayscale histogram Mathematical formulas
First order statistics
 Mean (x¯)
Mean of grayscale values of micro pixels encompassed within the ROI (from 0 (black) to 255 (white) inclusively). x¯=x=1My=1NIxyMN
 Variance (σ2) Dispersion around the mean of the grayscale values of micro pixels encompassed within the ROI. σ2=X=1My1NIxyx¯2MN
 Skewness (Sk) Reflects the asymmetry of the grey level frequency distribution curve around its mean. A high coefficient (in absolute value) translates in a shifted distribution relative to the mean, while a zero coefficient indicates a symmetric distribution. In a positively skewed distribution, pixels intensities are biased toward lower values (shifted distribution to the left). In a negatively skewed distribution, pixels intensities are biased toward higher values (shifted distribution to the right). Sk=1MNx=1My=1NIxyx¯3σ3
 Kurtosis (Kt) Reflects the flatness of the grey level frequency distribution curve around its mean. A diffuse distribution will translate in a lower kurtosis value. Distribution concentrated around its mean will translate in a higher kurtosis value. Kt=1MNx=1My=1NIxyx¯4σ4
 Entropy (E) Reflects disorder in a ROI. It considers the number of grey levels in a ROI, and the proportions of each grey level. There is an increased entropy when multiple grey level values are present in the ROI. Vice-versa, entropy equals zero if an image has a single grey level value for all its micro pixels. E=i=0255j=0255pijlog2pij
QUS Measurements computed from a co-occurence matrix
Texture parameters
 Contrast (I con) Contrast measures the difference of intensity between the grey level values of neighboring micro pixels. There is a reduced contrast in a constant image with lesser local variations of the grey level intensities. On the contrary, contrast is higher in an image containing a large amount of local sudden variations in the values of grey level intensities. Icon=i=0255j=1255ij2pij
 Energy (I eng) Energy is linked to the regularity and consistency of the patterns in an image. High energy is measured in a constant and steady picture. Vice-versa, low energy is found in an image in which the contacts of grey level values are diverse, uncoordinated and random. Ieng=i=0255j=0255pij2
 Homogeneity (I hmg) Homogeneity is increased in an image with a large number of pixels having the same grey level values, with little grayscale transition (i.e., increased when there is a large area of the same color). Ihmg=i=0255j=025511+ij2pij

I(x,y) denotes the grayscale intensity at the x,y coordonates in a ROI comprising M rows and N columns. p(i,j) represent the element of a grey-level co-occurrence matrix and denotes the probability that grayscale intensities i and j are adjacent