Extended Data Figure 2. Mpk1 is essential for tunicamycin and rapamycin survival and Adc17 induction.
a, mpk1Δ cells transformed with wild-type MPK1 or a kinase-dead allele (MPK1-K52R) or empty vector were spotted in a 6-fold dilution and grown on plates containing or lacking tunicamycin (Tm). b, Immunoblots of lysates of strains shown in (a), cultured for 4 hours ± 5 µg/ml Tm. c, Cells of the indicated genotype were spotted in a 6-fold dilution and grown for 3 days at 30°C on plates containing or lacking rapamycin (Rapa). d, Immunoblots of lysates from wild-type (WT) and MAPK gene-deletion mutant cells cultured for 4 hours ± 5 µg/ml Tm or 0.2 µg/ml Rapa. e, Same as in (a) using mpk1Δ cells transformed with empty vector or a vector encoding MPK1 or HOG1. Representative results of at least three independent experiments (biological replicates) are shown.