Direct Service Delivery Cost of the LNG IUS per CYPa Compared With Cost per CYP of Other Contraceptive Methods (2015 US$)
Abbreviations: COCs, combined oral contraceptives; CYP, couple-year of protection; DMPA, depot medroxyprogesterone acetate; IUD, intrauterine device; LNG IUS, levonorgestrel intrauterine system; NET‐EN, norethisterone enanthate.
a The public‐sector transfer price for Medicines360’s LNG IUS depends on volumes. The calculated LNG IUS cost per CYP of US$6.34 in this chart reflects a US$15 per unit public‐sector transfer price based on a weighted average for an order of 100,000 units.
b Although the commodity cost of Sino-implant (II) implants (US$8 per unit) is lower than the commodity cost of Jadelle implants (US$8.50 per unit), Sino-implant (II) is labeled for 4 years of use with a CYP conversion factor of 3.2 years while Jadelle is labeled for 5 years of use with a CYP conversion factor of 3.8 years. Thus, the cost per CYP for Jadelle is slightly lower than that of Sino--implant (II).