(a) hox gene expression in wild type and tbx16 morphant embryos during mid-gastrulation (8 hpf), tailbud formation (10 hpf), and early somitogenesis (13 hpf) as determined by in situ hybridization. Representative posterior hox genes identified in our transcriptome-wide survey for Tbx16 targets are shown, and the trunk hox gene hoxb6a is included for comparison. pitx2 expression in the prechordal mesoderm was used as a dorsal marker. Embryo orientations: lateral view, dorsal left; ventral view, anterior up; and posterior view, dorsal up. Scale bar: 200 μm. (b) Transcript levels of representative hoxca cluster genes and group 13 paralogs in whole wild type and tbx16 morphant embryos (10 hpf) as determined by quantitative RT-PCR. Average relative expression levels ± s.e.m. for three biological replicates are shown.