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. 2016 Feb 15;25:939–948. doi: 10.1007/s00787-016-0823-8

Table 2.

Summary of published studies investigating QoL in adults with GTS or other CTDs

Study/Country/Setting n Mean age (range)/Male gender (%) Diagnosis (% co-morbidity) QoL instrument (type)/subscales QoL domains most affected QoL domains least affected Other findings Quality score (%)
Elstner et al. [40]/UK/University-based clinic 103 29.0 (16–54)/68 GTS (21 % +OCD) QOLAS (self-rated); SF-36 (self-rated)/Social functioning; Role limitation —emotional; Mental health; Cognitive functioning; Economic; Physical functioning; Role limitation —physical; Pain Physical; Psychological; Social; Occupational; Cognitive Reported difficulty in making/maintaining relationships; Effects of tics on employment status 63
Cavanna et al. [20]/UK/National TSA recruitment 136 25.9 (−)/72 GTS (51 % +ADHD; 32 % +OCD) GTS-QOL (self-rated)/Physical domain; Psychological domain; Obsessional domain; Cognitive domain Physical; Psychological; Obsessional; Cognitive Development and validation of first disease-specific QoL scale for adults with GTS 73
Muller-Vahl et al. [15]/Germany/University-based clinic 200 35.0 (18–75)/75 GTS (–) EQ-5D (self-rated)/Self-care; Usual activities; Pain and discomfort; Anxiety and depression; Mobility Physical; Psychological Physical (mobility only) Higher anxiety/depression ratings compared to general population 75
Conelea et al. [41]/USA/Internet-based study 672 35.0 (18–77)/59 GTS or CTDs (23 % +ADHD; 35 % +OCD; 28 % +affective dis) PQOL (self-rated); TSIS (self-rated)/Physical interference
Social interference
Cognitive health
Occupational interference
Psychological interference
Physical; Psychological;
Occupational; Cognitive
Impact of tics on occupation (7 % quit job; 13 % did not pursue job advancement) 85
Jalenques et al. [42]/France/Postal questionnaires 167 29.0 (16–68)/74 GTS (–) WHOQOL-26 (self-rated); FSQ (self-rated)/Physical health; Psychological health; Social relationships; Environment; Physical functioning – ADL; Mental health; Work performance Physical; Psychological;
Impact of depression on QoL; quality of social interactions rated as very poor 78
Cavanna et al. [43] /UK/University-based clinic 46 24.0 (16–41)/89 GTS (54 % +ADHD; 30 % +OCD) GTS-QOL (self-rated)/Physical domain; Psychological domain; Obsessional domain; Cognitive domain Physical; Psychological;
Childhood tic severity and family history of tics as predictors of poor QoL in adulthood 85
Crossley et al. [44]/UK/University-based clinic 72 26.0 (16–64)/65 GTS (22 % +ADHD; 18 % +OCD) GTS-QOL (self-rated)/Physical domain; Psychological domain; Obsessional domain; Cognitive domain Physical; Psychological;
Impact of sensory phenomena on QoL 88

QoL quality of life, GTS Gilles de la Tourette syndrome, OCD obsessive–compulsive disorder, ADHD attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder, CTDs chronic tic disorders, QOLAS quality of life assessment schedule, SF-36 Medical outcomes study 36-item short-form health survey, GTS-QOL Gilles de la Tourette syndrome-quality of life scale, PQOL perceived quality of life scale, TSIS Tourette syndrome impact survey, WHOQOL-26 World Health Organisation quality of Life 26-item scale, FSQ functional status questionnaire, ADL activities of daily living