Table 2.
Distribution of Probability of Seroreversion at a Certain Age, by Quantile
Age (Months) | Probability of Seroreversiona | 95% CI Age ± | |
8.7 | .025 | .83 | |
9.4 | .05 | .65 | |
10.2 | .10 | .50 | |
11.8 | Quartile | .25 | .35 |
13.9 | Median | .50 | .30 |
16.4 | Quartile | .75 | .30 |
18.9 | .90 | .35 | |
20.6 | .95 | .37 | |
22.3 | .975 | .38 |
Abbreviation: CI, confidence interval.
a Probability of seroreversion = Negative infinity to z cumulative area under the normal curve [(Loge Age − 2.632)/0.24].