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. 2015 Mar 2;94(3):534–543. doi: 10.3382/ps/peu075

Table 5.

Summary of house-level, manure storage, and farm-level daily emission rates of ammonia (NH3), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) for the conventional cage (CC), aviary (AV), and enriched colony (EC) housing systems over the 27 mo monitoring period.

Housing system
Gas or PM Source Conventional cage (CC) Aviary (AV) Enriched colony (EC)
g/hen/d g/(kg egg) % of total g/hen/d g/(kg egg) % of total g/hen/d g/(kg egg) % of total
NH3 House 0.082b 1.62 28 0.112a 2.19 40 0.054c 0.99 31
Manure storage 0.21a 4.00 72 0.18a 3.52 60 0.11b 2.02 69
Farm 0.29 5.52 100 0.30 5.88 100 0.16 2.94 100
CO2 House 68.3b 1,300 89 74.0a 1,450 90 74.4a 1,365 91
Manure storage 8.1 154 11 8.0 157 10 7.1 130 9
Farm 76.4 1,454 100 82.0 1,607 100 81.5 1,495 100
CH4 House 0.07 1.33 70 0.07 1.37 70 0.08 1.47 80
Manure storage 0.03 0.57 30 0.03 0.59 30 0.02 0.37 20
Farm 0.10 1.90 100 0.10 1.96 100 0.10 1.84 100
N2O House
Manure storage 0.03 0.57 0.03 0.59 0.01 0.18
Farm 0.03 0.57 0.03 0.59 0.01 0.18
PM10 House 0.0157b 0.299 100 0.1003a 1. 909 100 0.0156b 0.297 100
Manure storage
Farm 0.0157 0.299 100 0.1003 1. 909 100 0.0156 0.297 100
PM2.5 House 0.0009b 0.018 100 0.0088a 0.168 100 0.0017b 0.032 100
Manure storage
Farm 0.0009 0.018 100 0.0088 0.168 100 0.0017 0.032 100

Means of gaseous or particulate matter emission rates of the housing systems with different superscript letters significantly differ (P < 0.05).