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. 2016 Aug 18;16:129. doi: 10.1186/s12887-016-0677-8

Table 1.

Questionnaire items

Variables (dimensions) Values (answer options) Descriptive statistical data
1. Accompanying parent (completing the questionnaire) Mother/Father Mothers: 81.5 % (378/464)
Fathers: 18.5 % (86/464)
2. Age of the accompanying parent (completing the questionnaire) _____ (years) n = 464
Average: 34 years
Std. dev.: 6.4 years
Min.: 18 years
Max.: 56 years
3. Highest completed level of education (mother) Compulsory school/ Compulsory school: 2.8 % (14/500)
Apprenticeship or technical college/ Apprenticeship or technical college: 30.8 % (154/500)
High-school diploma/ High-school diploma: 27.6 % (138/500)
University University: 38.8 % (194/500)
4. Highest completed level of education (father) Compulsory school/ Compulsory school: 5.5 % (27/492)
Apprenticeship or technical college/ Apprenticeship or technical college: 35.4 % (174/492)
High-school diploma/ High-school diploma: 24.0 % (118/492)
University University: 35.2 % (173/492)
5. Sex of the child Female/Male Girls: 45.8 % (228/498)
Boys: 54.2 % (270/498)
6. Age of the child _____ (years) n = 497
Average: 2.4 years
Std. dev.: 2.6 years
Min.: 0 years
Max.: 17 years
7. Internet use to be informed about
the reason for consultation (IUC)
Yes/No Yes: 21.0 % (105/499)
No: 79.0 % (394/499)
8. Internet child health information resources (IR) For answer options see Fig. 2 .
All options were to be answered with Yes/No.
Multiple answers (IR) were possible.
For descriptive statistical data see Fig. 2 .
9. Other child health information resources (OR) For answer options see Fig. 3 .
All options were to be answered with Yes / No.
Multiple answers (OR) were possible.
For descriptive statistical data see Fig. 3 .
10. Information level regarding the reason for consultation (IL) (subjective) Good/Average/Insufficient For descriptive statistical data see Fig. 1 .
11. Disease severity assessment (DA) (subjective) Mild disease/
Moderate disease/
Severe disease
For descriptive statistical data see Fig. 1 .
12. Change in disease severity assessment (CA) (subjective) Unchanged/
Disease is now rated as more severe/Disease is now rated as less severe
For descriptive statistical data see Fig. 1 .
13. Reason for consultation (indicated by the treating doctor) n = 498 (518 responses)
Acute disease/ Acute disease: 55.4 % (276/498)
Follow-up visit after an acute disease/ Follow-up visit after an acute disease: 8.4 % (42/498)
Monitoring of a chronic disease/ Monitoring of a chronic disease: 2.8 % (14/498)
Preventative check-up/ Preventative check-up: 22.1 % (110/498)
Vaccination/ Vaccination: 13.5 % (67/498)
Other reason: _____ Other reason: 1.8 % (9/498)
All options were to be answered with Yes/No.
Multiple answers were possible.
14. Diagnosis/-es (according to ICD-10) (indicated by the treating doctor) This item was only evaluated for acute diseases of pediatric patients. This item was only evaluated for acute diseases of pediatric patients.
For subgroups of acute diseases see Fig. 4 . For descriptive statistical data see Fig. 4 .
All options were to be answered with Yes/No. The following subgroups of acute diseases were excluded from Fig. 4 , as these were not chosen: Neoplasms/Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism/Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases/Diseases of the nervous system/Diseases of the circulatory system/Congenital malformations, deformations, and chromosomal abnormalities/Symptoms, signs, and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified/
Some diagnosis groups (ICD-10) were subdivided into more specific entities and were also to be answered with Yes/No.
Multiple answers were possible.
Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period.