Figure 3. Hyperactive mTOR signalling in ovarian surface epithelium of aged human and mouse ovaries.
Increased expression of pS6, a marker for mTOR activation, was observed in hyperplastic ovarian surface epithelium (arrow in panel D.) of aged mouse ovaries C.-D. and papillary growths of ovarian surface epithelium of postmenopausal human ovaries (arrow in panel F.). Increased expression of pS6 was also observed in invasive epithelial growths G. and inclusion cysts (arrows in panel H) of postmenopausal human ovaries. Ovarian surface epithelium of young mouse A.-B. and human ovary E. showed negative staining for pS6. Panel B. and D. represent higher magnification images of boxed areas in panel A. and C. Bars: 100 μm.