Degradation |
Algorithms based on genotype likelihoods rather than a single best genotype for low coverage genomic positions |
Base damage |
Using a DNA polymerase which does not amplify through uracils (remove uracil-containing fragments from the reaction)
Treatment with uracil-DNA glycosylase plus endonuclease VIII (removes uracil, then cleaves abasic sites)
Single-primer extension PCR (analyses separate DNA strands)
Trimming 5-7 bases from read ends
Counting and excluding C→T and G→A mutations at ultra-conserved positions
Comparing frequencies of different classes of mutations in modern-modern and modern-ancient alignments
Estimation of contamination or divergence based on indels and transversions only, not transitions
Exclusion of common ancestor-ancient sample branches from calculation of divergence
Contamination |
Special protocols for sample collection, transport and storage
Special Custom pre-digestion steps (including mechanical and chemical decontamination, short-time pre-incubation)
Independent replication in two labs
PCR-capture with species-specific primers
Exclusion of long reads or alignments (in case of 454 or Sanger sequencing) as aDNA fragments are very short, usually <100nt
Phylogenetic correctness correction (exclusion of reads based on similarity with non-target species; inclusion of reads based on similarity with the target species or a close relative)
Conformity to species- or ethnicity-specific variants or haplotypes
Checking homozygosity of X and Y positions in male specimens, absence of Y reads in female specimens, homozygosity of mtDNA positions
Absence of haplotypes present in research team members
Distinguishing mtDNA sequences from NUMTs