Induction of the quorum sensing regulon and late competence genes in dual-species biofilms. Upper panel: schematic view of the quorum sensing regulon of S. mutans (modified from (Perry et al., 2009; Lemme et al., 2011)) and differential gene expression after 6, 10 and 24 h of biofilm growth in dual-species biofilms with C. albicans compared with single-species biofilms of S. mutans alone. The ComRS system is shown in green, the ComCDE system is shown in blue. Black and red arrows correspond to processing of the signalling peptide and transcriptional regulation by ComR/E, respectively. Pictograms are explained below the scheme. Lower panel: differential gene expression of the late competence genes, genes related to DNA metabolism and repair and mutacins of S. mutans in dual-species biofilms.