Table 1.
Detailed search strategy
Search terms for MEDLINE (1966 to April 2015) 1. South Africa [Mesh], ti, ab 2. Tuberculosis [Mesh], ti, ab 3. 1 and 2 4. “healthcare worker*” OR “health care worker*” OR nurse* [ti, ab] OR “Health Personnel” [Mesh] 5. 3 and 4 The strategy was amended where necessary to search the other databases listed below: − EMBASE (1947 to April 2015) − WEB OF SCIENCE (Social Sciences Citation index/Science Citation Index—1970 to April 2015) − Cochrane Library (up to Issue 5 2013)—including CENTRAL register of Controlled Trials − CINAHL (1981 to April 2015) − WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) up to April 2015 |
Following feedback from stakeholders at the EVISAT workshop an additional search for relevant information was conducted using the following search terms: 1. “Infection control” [Mesh] 2. “South Africa” 3. #1 AND #2 The records retrieved from this search were screened in the same way as the initial search to see if any additional relevant references were retrieved. |