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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2016 Aug 21.
Published in final edited form as: Neurosurg Focus. 2016 Mar;40(3):E9. doi: 10.3171/2015.12.FOCUS15557

TABLE 1. Summary of Raman spectroscopy techniques since 2002.

Authors & Year Title Summary
Raman spectroscopy
Desroches et al., 2015 Characterization of a Raman spectroscopy probe
 system for intraoperative brain tissue classifica
A handheld Raman probe is used to differentiate necrosis from vital
 tissue (including tumor and normal brain tissue) with an accuracy of
Jermyn et al., 2015 Intraoperative brain cancer detection with Raman
 spectroscopy in humans
An intraoperative Raman spectroscopy probe is used to differentiate
 normal brain from dense tumor with 93% sensitivity and 91% specific
Kalkanis et al., 2014 Raman spectroscopy to distinguish grey matter,
 necrosis, and glioblastoma multiforme in frozen
 tissue sections
Raman spectroscopy was used to differentiate gray matter, viable GBM,
 and necrosis in frozen specimens with 97.8% accuracy in samples
 without freeze artifacts, and 77.5% of samples with freeze artifacts.
Tanahashi et al., 2014 Assessment of tumor cells in a mouse model of dif-
 fuse infiltrative glioma by Raman spectroscopy
Principal component analysis was used to elucidate differences in the
 spectra of infiltrative glioma and normal brain with 98.3% sensitivity
 and 75% specificity.
Aguiar et al., 2013 Discriminating neoplastic and normal brain tissues
 in vitro through Raman spectroscopy: a principal
 components analysis classification model
Principal component analysis was able to discriminate normal tissue
 from tumor, and glioblastoma from other CNS neoplasms, with a
 sensitivity and specificity of 97.4% and 100%, respectively, in vitro.
Auner et al., 2013 Conclusions and data analysis: a 6-year study of
 Raman spectroscopy of solid tumors at a major
 pediatric institute
A database of Raman spectra from normal brain, kidney, and adrenal
 gland, and their malignancies, was compiled. Leave-one-out analysis
 predicted the presence of tumor with 85.5% accuracy in a test set not
 assuming tissue origin.
Gajjar et al., 2012 Diagnostic segregation of human brain tumors
 using Fourier-transform infrared and/or Raman
 spectroscopy coupled with discriminant analysis
Raman spectroscopy was capable of identifying tumor-specific changes
 in biochemical composition in formalin-fixed tumor samples.
Leslie et al., 2012 Identification of pediatric brain neoplasms using
 Raman spectroscopy
A support vector machine analysis was used to identify Raman spectra
 collected from various tumor subtypes and normal brain with ex
 tremely high accuracy (91%-100%).
Zhou et al., 2012 Human brain cancer studied by resonance Raman
Several specific molecular signatures were identified that distinguished
 the spectra of normal meningeal tissues from several primary and
 secondary brain neoplasms, with a sensitivity of 90.9% and specific
 ity of 100% when principal component analysis was employed.
Beljebbar et al., 2010 Ex vivo and in vivo diagnosis of C6 glioblastoma
 development by Raman spectroscopy coupled
 to a microprobe
Employed Raman spectra collected from ex vivo mouse tissue to
 differentiate normal tissue from tumor with 100% accuracy, and to
 delineate early from mature tumor tissue.
Kirsch et al., 2010 Raman spectroscopic imaging for in vivo detection
 of cerebral brain metastases
Demonstrates the first use of in vivo Raman spectral mapping of the
 brain surface to aid tumor resection in a mouse model.
Köhler et al., 2009 Characterization of lipid extracts from brain tissue
 and tumors using Raman spectroscopy and
 mass spectrometry
Demonstrated increased water and decreased lipid content in glioma
 versus healthy brain tissues in porcine and human samples, con
 firmed with mass spectroscopy.
Krafft et al., 2009 Disease recognition by infrared and Raman
Reviewed Raman spectroscopy applications for assessment of numer
 ous tissues and body fluids, as well as classification and supervised
 learning algorithms commonly used in analysis of Raman spectra.
Koljenović et al., 2005 Tissue characterization using high wave number
 Raman spectroscopy
Established that comparatively diagnostic information can be gleaned
 from high wave number and low wave number portions of the Raman
 spectrum from brain and bladder cancer samples in vitro.
Krafft et al., 2005 Near infrared Raman spectra of human brain lipids Demonstrated Raman spectral characteristics of 12 major brain lipids.
Hyperspectral Raman microscopy
Kast et al., 2015 Identification of regions of normal grey matter
 and white matter from pathologic glioblastoma
 and necrosis in frozen sections using Raman
Raman spectra acquired grid-wise across a frozen section of brain
 tumor differentiated gray matter, white matter, tumor, and necrosis
 through molecular features.
Kast et al., 2014 Raman molecular imaging of brain frozen tissue
Frozen sections of brain tissue were mapped using grid-wise acquisition
 of Raman spectra, identifying boundaries of gray and white matter,
 necrosis, GBM, and infiltrating tumor.
Bergner et al., 2013 Hyperspectral unmixing of Raman micro-images
 for assessment of morphological and chemical
 parameters in non-dried brain tumor specimens
Both nuclear morphological characteristics and chemical composition
 as defined by hyperspectral Raman imaging may offer new ways to
 classify brain tumors.
Bergner et al., 2012 Unsupervised unmixing of Raman microspectro-
 scopic images for morphochemical analysis of
 non-dried brain tumor specimens
The hyperspectral unmixing algorithms N-FINDR and VCA were used to
 map abundances of cholesterol, cholesterol ester, nucleic acids, caro
 tene, proteins, and lipids in normal brain and several tumor subtypes
 based on hyperspectral Raman micrographs.
Krafft et al., 2012 Advances in optical biopsy—correlation of malig
 nancy and cell density of primary brain tumors
 using Raman microspectroscopic imaging
Demonstrated increased nucleic acid bends in high-grade glioma
 spectra, among other molecular differences correlating with structural
 features on H & E microscopy.
Amharref et al., 2007 Discriminating healthy from tumor and necrosis
 tissue in rat brain tissue samples by Raman
 spectral imaging
Demonstrated that Raman microspectroscopy can discriminate between
 healthy and tumoral brain tissue and yield spectroscopic markers as
 sociated with the proliferative and invasive properties of glioblastoma
 ex vivo.
Krafft et al., 2005 Near infrared Raman spectroscopic mapping of
 native brain tissue and intracranial tumors
Initial exploration of Raman spectroscopic mapping of frozen samples of
 brain tissue, meninges, and brain tumor, demonstrating measurable
 spectroscopic and structural differences.
Koljenović et al., 2002 Discriminating vital tumor from necrotic tissue in
 human glioblastoma tissue samples by Raman
Utilized Raman spectral maps of frozen tumor sections to differentiate
 viable from necrotic tumor via cluster analysis.

CNS = central nervous system; GBM = glioblastoma multiforme; VCA = vertex component analysis.