TABLE 2. Summary of coherent Raman scattering microscopy techniques.
Authors & Year | Title | Summary |
CARS microscopy | ||
Camp et al., 2014 | High-speed coherent Raman fingerprint imaging of biological tissues |
Broadband CARS microscopy was used to image the entire biologi cally relevant Raman window (500-3500 cm−1), including the weak “fingerprint” region to increase sensitivity. |
Galli et al., 2014 | Effects of tissue fixation on coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering images of brain |
Formalin fixation does not significantly degrade chemical contrast in CARS imaging, though methanol-acetone fixation is incompat ible with subsequent CARS microscopy due to alterations in lipid content. |
Uckermann et al., 2014 | Label-free delineation of brain tumors by coherent anti- Stokes Raman scattering microscopy in an orthotopic mouse model and human glioblastoma |
CARS imaging of the C-H vibrational mode enabled cellular-reso lution identification of tumor cells in frozen sections of orthotopic mouse models of GBM and brain metastases (melanoma, breast cancer). |
Evans et al., 2007 | Chemically-selective imaging of brain structures with CARS microscopy |
Demonstrated the use of CARS microscopy to identify normal brain structures and primary glioma in fresh unfixed and unstained ex vivo brain tissue. |
SRS microscopy | ||
Hu et al., 2015 | Vibrational imaging of glucose uptake activity in live cells and tissues by stimulated Raman scattering |
Alkyne-labeled glucose was used to image energy utilization with subcellular resolution using SRS microscopy. |
Ji et al., 2015 | Detection of human brain tumor infiltration with quantita tive stimulated Raman scattering microscopy |
Developed quantitative methods for measuring differences in cellular- ity, axonal density, and protein/lipid ratio using SRS microscopy. |
Ji et al., 2013 | Rapid, label-free detection of brain tumors with stimulated Raman scattering microscopy |
An SRS microscope generating image contrast via the relative abun dance of lipid and protein facilitated tumor identification in a mouse model of GBM both in frozen sections and in vivo during resection. |
Freudiger et al., 2012 | Multicolored stain-free histopathology with coherent Ra man imaging |
Multicolor images composed of lipid and protein vibrational modes detected by SRS microscopy were used to generate virtual histo- pathological images without sectioning or fixation. |
Freudiger et al., 2008 | Label-free biomedical imaging with high sensitivity by stimulated Raman scattering microscopy |
Established SRS microscopy as a biomedical imaging modality capable of capturing the distributions of fatty acids in tissues and monitoring drug delivery in vivo. |