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. 2016 Aug 15;(611):93–142. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.611.9529
1 Labial pits present; dark stripes on head 2
Labial pits absent 3
2 Deep labial pits; variable coloration, usually brown, with dark round blotches along the body; long and prehensile tail; higher than 105 subcaudals Corallus hortulanus
Shallow labial pits; amber coloration with lighter ocelli on dorsum; lateral white and brown stripes present at 1/3 of the body; lateral ocelli uniform of brownish coloration and white spots on top; 40–60 subcaudals Epicrates assisi
3 Large sized snake; olive green dorsal coloration with black ocelli along the body; venter yellowish and pigmented Eunectes murinus
Grayish coloration with brown blotches; lateral brown ocelli; tail with reddish brown blotches separated by a white stripe; postocular stripe present Boa constrictor constrictor