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. 2016 Aug 15;(611):93–142. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.611.9529
1 Even dorsal scale rows 2
Odd dorsal scale rows 6
2 Higher than 14 scale rows; apical pits presents; round pupil; black coloration and yellowish venter occasionally reaching dorso-lateral region Spilotes pullatus pullatus
Fewer than 12 scale rows; keeled paravertebral scale rows; light vertebral stripe present 3
3 Brown head; grayish-black coloration bordering the light stripe up to 1/3 of body; brown on the remaining body; 12/12/8 scale rows, rarely 12/12/10 Chironius flavolineatus
Coloration not as above 4
4 12/12/10 scale rows; olive dorsum; light stripe bordered by black line; yellowish venter from labials; divided subcaudals with dark stripe between them Chironius bicarinatus
12/12/8 or 14/12/8 scale rows 5
5 Olive dorsum at 1/3 of the body and brownish on the remaining portion; paravertebrals in lighter coloration; yellowish venter up to labials; dark stripe dividing dorsals and subcaudals; 132–144 ventrals Chironius exoletus
Dark olive dorsum, lighter towards the venter; white chin; yellow venter; dorsal scales on tail with yellow center; 12/12/8 or 14/12/8 scale rows Chironius carinatus
6 17 or less scale rows at midbody 7
19 or more scale rows at midbody 20
7 15 scale rows on midbody 8
17 scale rows on midbody 14
8 15/15/11 scale rows; keeled dorsal scales; metallic green with brown vertebral stripe; dark stripe above supralabials up to the end of head; big eye with round pupil Leptophis ahaetulla liocercus
15/15/15 scale rows 9
9 Two black ring pattern separated by red rings; black rings separated by white or yellow rings; big and dark eyes; opisthoglyph dentition; 179–195 ventrals; 35–46 subcaudals Erythrolamprus aesculapii venustissimus
Brown or green coloration, never red 10
10 Brownish head and dorsum; eliptical pupil; dark brown bands on dorsum; 163–182 ventrals; 59–77 subcaudals; single anal plate Sibynomorphus neuwiedi
Ocelli or uniform pattern; divided anal plate 11
11 Brown head; Ocelli behind the head up to midbody; dorsum greyish to reddish-brown; yellowish venter; 160–173 ventrals; 70–77 subcaudals Taeniophallus occipitalis
Not as above 12
12 Body uniform brown; pigmented head and nucal stripe; vertebral stripe; small eye; 138–156 ventrals; 50–63 subcaudals Tantilla melanocephala
Uniform, ocelli or dark bands pattern 13
13 Dark brown or dark green coloration; juveniles present brown or redish bands separated by white or cream stripes; 157–180 ventrals; 86–110 subcaudals Drymoluber dichrous
Brown head; dorsum light brown with dark ocelli; lateral blotches of the same color; venter lightly pigmented; ≥ 165 ventrals; ≥ 87 subcaudals Mastigodryas bifossatus
14. Without scale row reduction; vertebral scales modified; slender body; head strongly distinct; big eyes and elliptical pupil; brownish coloration with dark diamond shape blotches Imantodes cenchoa cenchoa
With scale row reduction 15
15 17/17/13 scale rows 16
17/17/15 scale rows 17
16 Elongated head and slender body; big eyes with round pupil; brown coloration; chin and ventral gular portion yellowish or white; Dark oral mucosa Oxybelis aeneus
Smooth scales; single anal plate; 2+2/2+3 temporals; postocular brown stripe; yellow gold coloration with black and yellow spots up to midbody Thamnodynastes pallidus
17 Single anal plate; juveniles present yellowish coloration with darker transversal bands; adults present approximately dark anterior up to 2/3 of the body and yellow to the remaining portion; yellow venter Drymarchon corais corais
Divided anal plate 18
18 Green-brownish coloration; single apical pit present; dorsolateral stripes from midbody to the end of tail; supralabials, chin and venter yellowish; Venter with alternating dark bands Erythrolamprus reginae semilineatus
Without apical pits 19
19 Head light-brown; supralabials cream with black border; olive dorsum; black nucal stripe followed by a cream stripe; venter yellow-cream with black blotches Erythrolamprus miliaris merremi
Dorsum black with transversal cream stripes; supralabials lighter than dorsum; white chin; reddish venter with 25–35 black bands Erythrolamprus taeniogaster
20 Without apical pits 21
With apical pits 26
21 Single internasal scale 22
Pair of internasal scales 23
22 Dorsum light-brown or cream with dark blotches; scales strongly keeled; cream venter with black bands; 112–124 ventrals; 79–99 subcaudals Helicops angulatus
Olive coloration with dark ocelli; scales weakly keeled; red venter with black bands; white chin; 121–133 ventrals; 57–79 subcaudals Helicops leopardinus
23 Brown coloration lighter on the head; white or cream supralabials, chin and venter; modified rostral scale; smooth scales Phimophis guerini
Regular rostral scale 24
24 Green coloration; juveniles present dark green with black spots along the body; supralabials, chin and anterior portion of body yellowish; 19/19/17 scale rows; >176 ventrals Erythrolamprus viridis viridis
Other color pattern 25
25 Top of the head brown with a cream or white V or Y shape mark; Dorsum present brownish bands divided by grayish stripes; dorsolateral cream stripes; orange-reddish venter with black bands; 19/19/17 scale rows Erythrolamprus almadensis
19/19/15 scale rows; Brownish coloration, occasionally with diagonal black ribs; cream venter weakly pigmented Erythrolamprus poecilogyrus schotti
26 Single apical pit 27
Two apical pits 30
27 Body uniform green, venter in lighter coloration; long tail; divided anal plate; 164–208 ventrals; 92–132 subcaudals Philodryas olfersii herbeus
Brown pattern, never green 28
28 Brown head; coloration varies from uniform brown to grayish; White venter; divided anal plate; 166–189 ventrals; 76–113 subcaudals Philodryas patagoniensis
19/19/17 scale rows arranged in oblique rows 29
29 Head with small blotches and stripes from internasals to postocular portion; brown coloration with bow shape blotches connected bilaterally or usually alternated Xenodon merremii
Single blotch on head bifurcated on the neck; Brown dorsum with dark bow shape blotches along the body; pigmented venter Xenodon rhabdocephalus rhabdocephalus
30 Modified vertebral row; orange head; juveniles present white stripe on parietals; black nucal stripe and red-wine coloration with black bands; white venter; >230 ventrals; >105 subcaudals Siphlophis compressus
Vertebral scales not modified 31
31 Keeled scales in 19 or 21 rows; brown head; Internasals, prefrontals and labials pigmented; black postocular stripe present; dark-brown dorsum, yellowish towards the venter with black diagonal stripes Spilotes sulphureus sulphureus
Smooth scales 32
32 19 or 21 scale rows; brown head, darker on parietals; juveniles present white stripe on parietals; brown coloration with dark blotches Leptodeira annulata annulata
Pattern black, brown or with red, black and white rings 33
33 21 scale rows; brown head with white stripes above the eyes up to parietals; white supralabials weakly pigmented; brown-grayish coloration with dorsolateral dark stripes and white paraventral stripe; white venter with dark stripe on edge of ventrals Philodryas nattereri
19 scale rows, single anal plate 34
34 Uniform coloration with or without irregular spots 35
Pattern of black, red and white rings, white venter 36
35 Black or dark-brown coloration; juveniles present a white stripe on head, dark nucal stripe and red-wine coloration; 207–235 ventrals; 53–81 paired subcaudals Clelia plumbea
Black coloration with or without white blotches; juveniles present a white stripe on head, dark nucal stripe and red-wine coloration; 188–202 ventrals; 81–97 single subcaudals Pseudoboa nigra
36 Black head up to parietals; supralabials grayish; red nucal stripe; triad of black and white rings separated by red rings; white chin Oxyrhopus trigeminus
Black head with red nucal stripe; juveniles present black and white coloration; adults present black and red coloration Oxyrhopus petolarius digitalis