Figure 3. Structure of CjapOBPs and phylogenetic relationship of CjapOBPs with other beetle OBPs.
(A) The newly identified CjapOBP1 (a typical OBP with six cysteines) and CjapOBP2 (a C-minus OBP with only four cysteines) are aligned with seven OBP proteins from other Coleoptera. The asterisks indicate the conserved amino acids. The conserved cysteine residues are highlighted in blue box. The phylogenic tree (B) was constructed with amino acid sequences of CjapOBP1 and CjapOBP2 as well as seven OBP proteins from other beetles using MEGA 6 software. The tertiary structures of CjapOBP1 (C) and CjapOBP2 (D) were stimulated based on the selected protein templates from I-TASSER.