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. 2016 Aug 18;13:E110. doi: 10.5888/pcd13.150581

Table 1. Characteristics of Participants in a Study of Associations of the Built Environment in School Neighborhoods With Physical Activity, New York City, 2012.

Characteristic Boys (n = 468)
Girls (n = 484)
Mean (SD) ICC Mean (SD) ICC
Age, mo 127.06 (6.75) 126.20 (6.40)
Body mass index (z score) 0.77 (1.20) 0.58 (1.20)
Physical activity frequencya 10.33 (3.28) 0.049 9.67 (3.49) 0.065
Light 3.58 (1.35) 0.023 3.67 (1.27) 0.081
Medium 3.57 (1.37) 0.080 3.35 (1.37) 0.045
Heavy 3.86 (1.32) <0.001 3.33 (1.39) 0.008
Physical activity durationb 9.52 (3.83) 0.048 8.30 (3.68) 0.061
Light 3.22 (1.51) 0.020 2.91 (1.43) 0.058
Medium 3.35 (1.50) 0.069 2.87 (1.39) 0.067
Heavy 3.73 (1.47) 0.024 3.04 (1.46) 0.010
Self-efficacy of walking for exercisec 4.37 (1.13) 0.003 4.44 (1.02) 0.011
Self-efficacy of walking or biking instead of taking a car, bus, or subway to schoolc 4.16 (1.42) 0.011 4.04 (1.45) 0.044
Behavioral intentiond 4.33 (1.16) 0.068 4.33 (1.13) 0.055
Habit strengthd 3.82 (1.46) 0.027 3.94 (1.35) 0.029

Abbreviations: —, not applicable; ICC, intraclass correlation coefficient; SD, standard deviation.


Assessed with the questions: light frequency, “In the past week, I did things that got me up and moving”; medium frequency, “In the past week, I did things that made my heart beat a little faster”; and heavy frequency, “In the past week, I did things that got my heart beating really fast.” Response options: 1, 0 times/wk; 2, about 1–2 times/wk; 3, about 3–4 times/wk; 4, almost every day; 5, ≥2 times every day.


Assessed with the questions: light duration, “How long each time did I do things that got me up and moving?”; medium duration, “How long each time did I do things that made my heart beat a little faster?”; and heavy duration, “How long each time did I do things that got my heart beating really fast?” Response options: 1, < .05 h; 2, 0.5 h to 1 h; 3, 2 h; 4, 3 h; 5, >3 h.


Assessed with the question “I am sure I can walk for exercise” or “I am sure I can walk or bike to school instead of taking a car, bus or subway.” Response options: 1, not at all sure; 2, a little sure; 3, neither sure or not sure; 4, sure; 5, very sure.


Assessed with the question “I would like to do more physical activity” or “When I think about myself, physical activity is part of my daily routine.” Response options: 1, not at all true for me; 2, not true for me; 3, neither true or not true; 4, somewhat true for me; 5, very true for me.