Figure 10.
Ultrastructure of wild-type (A) and rosR mutant infection threads (B,C). Abbreviations: IT, infection thread; TM, thread matrix; B, bacteria; D, dictyosome; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; short black arrow, thread wall; long black arrows, deposits of more translucent material between osmophilic layers of the thread wall; white long arrows, short ER cisterns in close contact with the thread membrane; short white arrows, transport vesicles. Bar = 5 μm. (D,E) Infection droplets containing rosR mutant bacteria. (D) A lateral infection droplet on an infection thread. (E) A large infection droplet inside the host cell. B, bacteria; ID, droplet; IT infection thread; N, nucleus; black triangle, degenerated bacteroids; black arrow heads, vesicles separated from the thread membrane surrounding the infection droplet. Bar = 2 μm for (D) and 5 μm for (E). (F) Symbiosomes containing rosR mutant bacteroids in the young infected host cell; note three types of bacteroids present: BA, bacteroids similar to those observed in the early symbiosis zone of wild-type nodules; double triangle, differentiating bacteroids; triangle, degenerated bacteroids. Bar = 5 μm. (G) A mature infected host cell: S, starch grain; rosette, abnormally differentiated rosR mutant bacteroids; black arrows, lytic compartments with degrading bacteroids. Bar = 5 μm. (H) Symbiosomes containing wild-type bacteroids in a mature infected host cell: BA, normal bacteroids. Bar = 5 μm. H2O2 detection in Rt24.2 and Rt2472 nodules as electron-dense precipitates formed in the presence of cerium chloride (I–L). H2O2 localization in the cell wall of a wild-type infection thread (I,J). H2O2 precipitates (white arrows) present in the cell wall of the infection threads containing rosR mutant bacteria and on the surface of bacteroids and their peribacteroidal membranes (K,L). Bar = 2.5 μm (for I,J), Bar = 5 μm (for K,L).