Figure 1.
Effect of the translocation on cortical thickness and local gyrification index. (a) Cortical thickness and (b) local gyrification difference between translocation carriers and non-carriers rendered on the inflated and non-inflated cortical surface of the left and right brain templates. Columns 1, 3, 5, and 7 show the significance map of the difference; columns 2, 4, 6, and 8 show the regions that survive the cluster-wise multiple comparisons correction (P<0.05). The blue color indicates that the cortex is thinner and less gyrified for the translocation carriers compared with non-carriers, whereas the red color indicates the opposite effect. All these analyses are controlled for age and sex. Note however that only left superior temporal sulcus cortical thickness and right superior frontal sulcus gyrification index are robust to controlling for intra-familial relatedness (see text). LGI, local gyrification index.