Fig. 4.
Alternative splicing of CDC25C in SRSF2 mutant cell lines. a Schematic of previously described five CDC25C isoforms. Black is the CDC25C RNA with all 14 exons (the exon boundaries are marked). The general locations for the N-terminal regulatory domain and the C-terminal catalytic domain, as well as the RT-PCR primers, are annotated. Dark blue is the known CDC25C alternative splicing transcripts. Gray depicts areas of frame shift that occurs with alternative splicing change in C3, C4, and C5. b Representative gel from RT-PCR of CDC25C after 48 h treatment with 2 μg/ml doxycycline. The sizes in base pairs of the PCR products corresponding to the splice variants are marked on the right. c Bar graphs depicting ratio of C5/C1 isoforms. Statistics are based on two-way ANOVA with comparison to SRSF2WT (n = 5). d Western blot depicting CDC25C protein expression in the presence of doxycyline induction. e Graph depicting the Western results shown in D for CDC25C protein expression at 48 h post-induction. Statistics are based on two-way ANOVA with comparison to SRSF2WT (n = 5). Asterisks are p values as in Fig. 1