Above: The Watts-Strogatz Model and its construction parameters: The value of r denotes the probability of long-distance rewiring with r = 0 denoting a regular lattice, r < 1 a small-world graph, and r = 1 an Erdős–Rényi random graph. The value of p quantifies how interconnected the initial lattice is, being the number of neighboring nodes each node connects to. Below: Second versus third eigenvector (Φ2 – Φ3) colored by log(r) (left) and p (right). The visual linear independence of the directions of change of log(r) and p indicate that the (Φ2, Φ3) coordinates form a bijection with (a reparametrization of) the construction parameters (r, p). An ϵ of 0.1 was used in our DMAPS computations.