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. 2016 Jul 2;65(9):1015–1034. doi: 10.1007/s00262-016-1860-3

Table 2.

Overview of single-arm studies

Author (year) Study phase Number of patients enrolled Treatment and GM-CSF dosing regimen Clinical outcomes
Groenewegen et al. [58] Phase 1/2 32 Sequential treatment: DTIC 800 mg/m2 i.v. on day 1, followed by GM-CSF 2.5 µg/kg s.c. on days 2–12, IL-2 1.8 × 106 units on days 8–18 and IFN-α 6 × 106 units s.c. on days 15–20

Median OS: 244 days

1-year OS: 22 %

2-year OS: 12 %

ORR (95 % CI): 32 % (16–49 %)

CR: 13 %

PR: 19 %

Adamina et al. [65] Phase 1/2 16 In combination with recombinant vaccinia virus and soluble peptide: intranodal vaccinia virus given on days 3 and 59; peptides given on days 17, 31, 45, 73, 87 and 101. GM-CSF 5 µg/kg s.c. given for 5 days, starting on the day of the intranodal injections

Median OS: 488.5 days

Mean OS (responsive patients): 1106 days

Mean OS (non-responsive patients): 696 days

Median PFS: 310 days

Mean PFS (responsive patients): 547 days

Mean PFS (non-responsive patients): 338 days

Scheibenbogen et al. [63] Phase 2 18 In combination with peptide vaccine: GM-CSF 75 or 150 µg i.d. and s.c. at the same site on days 1 and 4. Identical vaccinations were repeated at weeks 2, 4 and 6. If PD not observed, additional vaccinations were administered in weeks 10 and 14

Stable disease: 2

Mixed response: 1

NED: 2a

PD: 13

Pilla et al. [68] Phase 2 38 In combination with peptide vaccine: weekly vaccine for 4 weeks, starting 5–8 weeks after surgery. If no PD after 4 weeks, patients received four injections Q2W. GM-CSF 75 µg s.c. was given on days −1, 0 and 1 and then Q2W at the same time as the vaccine. IFN-α 3 × 106 units s.c. was given on days 1 and 3 after the last administration of GM-CSF during the first cycle. During the second cycle, IFN-α was given three times per week during the weeks in between vaccinations

Median OS (95 % CI): 583 days (291 days–NR)

Time to progression (95 % CI): 145 days

(97–188 days)

CR: 5 %

Stable disease: 55 %

PD: 40 %

Bins et al. [64] Phase 1 11 In combination with peptide vaccine and gp100: GM-CSF 100 µg s.c. weekly for 4 weeks

Median OS: 4 months

ORR: 0 %

Boasberg et al. [56] Phase not specified 54 Biochemotherapy: DTIC, cis-platinum and vinblastine i.v., IFN-α s.c. and IL-2 i.v. with decrescendo dosing. Maintenance biotherapy: low-dose IL-2 (1 MIU/m2) + GM-CSF 125 µg/m2 s.c. on days 1–14 of each cycle (treatment began 4 weeks after the first day of the qualifying patient’s last cycle of biochemotherapy)

Median OS (95 % CI) (vitiligo): 18.2 months (12.3 months–NR)

Median OS (95 % CI) (no vitiligo): 8.5 months (6.7–12.7 months)

P = 0.027

Daud et al. [42] Phase 2 42 Adjuvant to surgery: GM-CSF 125 µg/m2 s.c. on days 1–14 of each 28-day cycle (maximum 13 cycles)

Median OS (95 % CI): 65.3 months

(47.4–67.0 months)

Median recurrence-free survival (95 % CI): 5.6 months (3.5–11.7 months)

Spitler et al. [55] Phase not specified 102 Adjuvant to surgery: GM-CSF 125 µg/m2 s.c. on days 1–14 of each 28-day cycle for at least 3 years or until unresectable recurrence

5-year MSS (95 % CI) (stage III): 67 % (56–79 %)

5-year MSS (95 % CI) (stage IV): 40 % (19–60 %)

Weide et al. [67] Phase 1/2 15 In combination with autologous mRNA: GM-CSF 150 µg s.c. 24 h after mRNA injection in weeks 0, 2, 4 and 6, then Q4W until week 34

Stable disease: 1

PD: 9

NED: 3

Mixed response: 2

Weber et al. [61] Phase 2 31 In combination with chemotherapy: cycle 1 daily oral temozolomide 150–200 mg/m2 for 5 days followed by biotherapy (GM-CSF 125 µg/m2 up to a maximum dose of 250 µg/m2 s.c. + IFN 5 × 106 units + IL-2 4 × 106 units/m2) daily for 12 days. This 28-day cycle was repeated as clinically indicated

Median OS (95 % CI): 13.1 months

(7.8–18.3 months)

1-year OS: 52 %

2-year OS: 25 %

Median PFS (95 % CI): 4.9 months

(2.8–6.9 months)

1-year PFS: 29 %

2-year PFS: 10 %

ORR (95 % CI): 26 % (12–45 %)

CR: 4 (2 NED)

PR: 4

Stable disease: 7

Overall benefit rate (95 % CI): 48 % (30–67 %)

Eroglu et al. [52] Phase 2 52 In combination with chemotherapy: docetaxel and vinorelbine every 14 days, followed by GM-CSF 250 mg/m2 s.c. on days 2–12 of each cycle

Median OS (95 % CI): 320 days (190–390 days)

1-year OS: 48.1 % (historical control OS 24.3 %; P = 0.012)

Median PFS (95 % CI): 134 days (91–214 days)

ORR: 15.4 %

CR: 0 %

PR: 15.4 %

Stable disease: 36.5 %

PD: 30.7 %

Clinical benefit rate: 52 %

Gunturu et al. [59] Phase 2 20 In combination with chemotherapy: cyclophosphamide and fludarabine followed by two 5-day courses of high-dose IL-2 6 × 106 units/kg i.v. on days 8–12 and 21–25. GM-CSF 250 µg/m2 s.c. per day from day 8 until granulocyte recovery

Median OS: 1.1 yearsb

Median PFS: 0.25 yearsb

ORR: 22.2 %

CR: 5.6 %

PR: 16.7 %

Locke et al. [60] Phase 2 20 In combination with chemotherapy: docetaxel, oxaliplatin, dexamethasone and ondansetron. GM-CSF 250 µg/m2 s.c. on days 3–12 or until WBC count recovery, whichever comes first; treatment continued Q3W until progression or toxicity

Median OS: 5.4 months (range, <1–17 monthsc)

Median PFS: 1.4 months (range, <1–8 monthsc)

ORR: 0 %

Stable disease: 26.3 %

PR: 64.3 %

Fruehauf et al. [57] Phase not specified 10 In combination with chemotherapy: docetaxel and vinorelbine. GM-CSF 250 mg/m2 s.c. on days 2–12 of each cycle

ORR: 50 %

PR: 50 %

Median time to progression: 8 months

O’Day et al. [62] Phase 2 133 Biochemotherapy: DTIC, cis-platinum and vinblastine, IFN-α s.c. and IL-2 i.v. with decrescendo dosing plus GM-CSF 500 µg s.c. for 10 days. Maintenance biotherapy: low-dose IL-2 (1 MIU/m2) + GM-CSF 125 µg/m2 s.c. on days 1–14 of each cycle

Median OS (95 % CI): 13.5 months

(11.5–15.4 months)

1-year OS (±SE): 56.5 % ± 4.0

2-year OS (±SE): 23 % ± 3.7

Median PFS (95 % CI): 9 months

(7.8–12.0 months)

Estimated 1-year PFS (±SE): 40.9 % ± 4.3 Estimated 2-year PFS (±SE): 15.9 % ± 3.2

Dillman et al. [66] Phase 2 56 In combination with autologous DC vaccine: vaccine suspended in GM-CSF 500 µg before s.c. administration weekly for 3 weeks, then monthly for 5 months for up to 6 months or a maximum of eight doses

Median OS: NR

1-year OS: 85 %

2-year OS: 72 %

Predicted 5-year OS: 54 %

Median PFS: 4.2 months

5-year PFS: 23 %

ORR: 0 %

Stable disease: 40 %

PD: 60 %

CI confidence interval, CR complete response, DTIC dacarbazine; gp100 glycoprotein-100, MIU million international unit, MSS melanoma-specific survival, NED no evidence of disease, NR not reached, ORR overall response rate, PD progressive disease, PFS progression-free survival, PR partial response, Q2W/Q3W/Q4W every 2/3/4 weeks, SE standard error

aTwo patients had complete surgical resection before study entry and therefore remained with NED throughout

bMedians estimated from Kaplan–Meier curves

cRange for deceased patients