Figure 4.
PS potentiates chimeric channels that include the NMDA receptor LBD and TMD. A, B, Exposure to 100 μm PS (shaded bar) potentiates whole-cell current evoked by 10 μm NMDA plus 10 μm glycine in an HEK cell transfected with the N1/N2B LBD+TMD chimeric subunits (A), but not in a cell transfected with the N1/N2B TMD-alone chimera (B). C, Plot of current (mean ± SEM) evoked during exposure to PS as a fraction of control current before PS treatment. *, Significant difference from wild-type GluN1/2B was observed for homomeric GluK2 (Q or R), for heteromeric chimeras with the N1/2B TMD and linkers without the LBD and for the N1/N2B ATD+LBD chimera, which has an unedited (Q) kainate receptor TMD; however, potentiation for the chimeric construct with the NMDA receptor LBD+TMD was not significantly different from N1/2B. (p < 0.001, ANOVA on ranks with post hoc Dunn's test).