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. 2016 Aug 24;6:31868. doi: 10.1038/srep31868

Figure 3.

Figure 3

(A) Brain renderings showing activations for the Seen > Unseen whole-brain contrast (p < 0.05, FWE cluster-level corrected). (B) Percent (%) signal change from functionally identified ROIs as a function of Awareness, Alerting State, and Validity, showing a significant Alerting State x Awareness interaction (Table 2). All regions demonstrated increased % signal change for seen as compared to unseen reports, which was enhanced when the alerting tone was not presented. The center of mass of each ROI is indicated in parenthesis, and the volume in mm is indicated in squared brackets. The following ROIs were also analyzed and demonstrated no significant effects: Left IPL (−38, −48, 45) [6152], left SPL (−24, −67, 51) [3408], left thalamus [(−11, −18, 6) [7792] and right thalamus (11, −16, 7) [5032]].