Fig. 3.
Genotypic association with global heat shock response. a Standardized coefficients and adjusted p values for the top associated SNPs. b, c The distribution of p values after permutation of the global response phenotype is shown for rs10509407 (b) and rs12207548 (c). d, e Global response to heat shock showing individual LCLs by genotype for rs10509407 (d) and rs12207548 (e). Each individual is represented by two points corresponding to basal and stimulated state with arrows connecting paired samples. Genotypes are indicated by colour with blue corresponding to homozygous carriers of the major allele and red indicating the presence of at least one copy of the minor allele. Coloured arrows show the average response for each group. The overall average is indicated in black. f Ancestral Allele Frequencies for rs12207548 from Human Genome Diversity Project in 53 populations. g Circos plot showing trans associations for rs12207548. h Box plots for expression of UBQLN1, HSF1, TNFRSF8, EPHB1, SHC1, ZC3HAV1 and ABCD3 by allele for SNPs as indicated. i Pathway analysis using IPA showing links between trans associated genes for rs12207548 and CDKN1A