Fig. 2.
Oscillation-triggered probability density of firing rates for RS and FS neurons. In each triplet set of heat maps, one shows wavelet time frequency (Bottom) and the other two show FS (Top) and RS (Middle) firing during these example γ- and β-oscillations. The firing rate is color-coded [black, baseline firing rate; white, 5 standard deviations (std) from the baseline]. The cells are ordered by their discharge probability during γ- or β-oscillation (20-ms bin size). A large proportion of FS cells show an increased firing rate during γ and β. Raster plots show spiking patterns of a few sample FS and RS cells. In these raster plots, each row is the spiking of the example cell in one (γ or β) oscillatory epoch. The corresponding average firing pattern (rows in the heat map) for each example cell (FS1, RS2, etc.) is indicated along the right edge of the heat maps. Note the remarkably heterogeneous discharge patterns.