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. 2016 Aug 4;16(1):711. doi: 10.1186/s12889-016-3318-0

Table 1.

Interventions to be delivered as a part of Better Start Bradford

Intervention Description Estimated no. recipients (over 5 years)c Main outcome domaind
Antenatal Support
 Personalised Midwifery Continuous midwife care 1250 Social & Emotional Development /Obesity & Nutrition
 Baby Buddy/ Best Beginnings Phone app 2500
 Family Links Antenatal Universal antenatal parenting skills programme 2500
 Doula Pregnancy support for vulnerable women 300
 HAPPY Healthy eating & parenting course for overweight mums 1050
 Pregnancy & breast feeding Peer support for breastfeeding 2250 Obesity & Nutrition
Antenatal & Postnatal Support
 Family Nurse Partnershipa Nurse-led support for teenage pregnant women 500 Social & Emotional Development
 Baby Steps Antenatal + Postnatal Antenatal support for women at risk of poor emotional well-being 500
 Family Action Perinatal Peer Support Peer support for mothers with mild/moderate mental health issues 450
 ESOL+ English language course for parents 950 Communication & Language Development
Postnatal Support
 Infant Mental Health Professional support for women with poor attachment 200–500 Social & Emotional Development
 Northamptonshire Baby Room Infant brain development course 580
 Incredible Years Parenting b Parenting programme 1400
 Home-Start Volunteer support for vulnerable women 225
 Family Links Nurturing Parenting skills programme for vulnerable families 1050
Early Years Support
 HENRY Universal lifestyle programme for parents with young children 1050 Social & Emotional Development /Obesity & Nutrition
 Community Nutrition Skills Cook and eat sessions 1000 Obesity & Nutrition
 PiP Pre-schoolers physical activity in the playground 1500
 Forest Schools Outdoor play for young children & parents 1500
 Bookstart and Imagination Library Book gifting service age 0–5 7000 Communication & Language Development
 I CAN Children aged 2 at risk of language delay 675
 Talking Together Sessions for parents with children aged 2 with language delay 2075

aEvidence based from US study, recently proved non-effective in UK setting

bEvidence based intervention (all other interventions are science based)

cEstimated number of recipients are taken from the original BSB bid to the BLF. Actual numbers will be finalised within the service design process, based on consideration of local need and service capacity

dThe specific outcomes for each intervention will be finalised in the service design process