Table 2.
Vernacular Name of Rodent and Shrew Species in Mende.
Foogbete Lemniscomys striatus (typical striped grass mouse) named for its diurnal behavior (foi: day) |
Gboigboi Lophuromys sikapusi (brush furred mouse), named after its red color |
Gowe Mus musculus (domestic mouse) |
Jukui unidentified species—large arboreal rodent |
Kiwi Cricetomys gambianus (Gambian pouched rat) |
Lindie Nannomys spp. (pygmy mouse) |
Nyini general name for small- and medium-sized rats |
Seiweh Thryonomys spp. (cane rat) |
Tondui Rattus spp. (black or brown rat) |
Tuli Crocidura spp. (musk shrew) |
Vorley Mastomys spp. (multimammate mouse) and Praomys spp. (soft-furred mouse) |