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. 2016 Feb 19;13(2):234–247. doi: 10.1007/s10393-016-1098-8

Table 2.

Vernacular Name of Rodent and Shrew Species in Mende.

Foogbete Lemniscomys striatus (typical striped grass mouse) named for its diurnal behavior (foi: day)
Gboigboi Lophuromys sikapusi (brush furred mouse), named after its red color
Gowe Mus musculus (domestic mouse)
Jukui unidentified species—large arboreal rodent
Kiwi Cricetomys gambianus (Gambian pouched rat)
Lindie Nannomys spp. (pygmy mouse)
Nyini general name for small- and medium-sized rats
Seiweh Thryonomys spp. (cane rat)
Tondui Rattus spp. (black or brown rat)
Tuli Crocidura spp. (musk shrew)
Vorley Mastomys spp. (multimammate mouse) and Praomys spp. (soft-furred mouse)