Figure 1. Maternal HFD promotes mammary tumorigenesis in the Wnt1-Tg mouse model of human breast cancer.
A. Schematic of dietary regimen. Wild-type (WT) dams were fed with AIN-93G based diets (CAS as sole protein source) containing 17% kcal from fat (Control diet, CD) or 45% kcal from fat (High Fat diet, HFD) beginning at postnatal day 21 (PND21; weaning) all through adulthood and subsequent pregnancy and lactation. Dams were mated with CD-fed Wnt1-Tg males to yield either WT or Wnt1-Tg progeny. At PND21, Wnt1-Tg female offspring were weaned to CD and followed for mammary tumor formation. B. Mammary tumor incidence of Wnt1-Tg offspring of dams fed CD (CDO; n=33) or HFD (HFDO; n=23). Mammary tumor formation was followed weekly in offspring from 4 weeks to 6 months of age by palpation. * P< 0.05. C. Age of tumor onset was calculated as the age of initial tumor appearance (by palpation) up to 6 months of age. CDO (n=16 mice) and HFDO (n=13 mice). D. Body weights of CDO and HFDO at weaning (PND21; n=33 for CDO, n=23 for HFDO) and for tumored mice (n=16 for CDO, n=13 for HFDO), one week after tumor onset. *P< 0.05 for CDO vs. HFDO. E. Blood glucose levels measured at PND21 (weaning) and for tumored mice, one week after tumor onset. *P< 0.05 for CDO vs. HFDO. For D and E, data are presented as the mean ± SEM.