(A-B) Five control studies and their corresponding fluorescent micrographs (DAPI nuclear staining only): 1) sLex-AP coated CTC-BioTChip, 2) random DNA coated CTC-BioTChip, 3) SA coated CTC-BioTChip, 4) bare CTC-BioTChip, 5)sLeX-AP coated glass were examined. (C) Cell capture efficiences on sLeX-AP and anti-EpCAM coated CTC-BioTChip were validated using HepG2 (EpCAM-), MCF7 (EpCAM+), HCT116 (EpCAM+), MGC803 (EpCAM+), HeLa (EpCAM-). (D)The captured cell number of CTCs was validated from two kinds of artificial blood samples. (E)The fluorescent micrographs of cancer cells captured from the artificial blood samples. Three-color immunocytochemistry method based on FITC-labeled anti-CD45, PE-labeled anti-CK, and DAPI nuclear staining was applied to identify and enumerate CTCs from non-specially trapped WBCs. Scale bars are 20μm. All capture efficiency experiments were under optimal condition. The error bar represents standard deviation from three repeats. Abbreviations: CTCs, circulating tumor cells; FITC, fluorescein isothiocyanate; PE, phycoerythrin; DAPI, 4 ,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole dihydrochloride; WBCs, white blood cells.