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. 2016 Aug 10;146(9):1746–1755. doi: 10.3945/jn.116.234237


Participant characteristics at baseline by lowest and highest quartiles of the 4 dietary indexes separated by sex in the Multiethnic Cohort1

All, n Q1 Q4 Q1 Q4 Q1 Q4 Q1 Q4
 Index score points 2258 51.6 (7.26) 77.9 (6.29) 52.4 (6.03) 75.1 (6.27) 2 (1) 6 (1) 19 (3) 29 (3)
 Cases, n 2258 564 564 564 564 454 528 559 494
 Age at diagnosis, y 2258 70.0 (12.5) 75.0 (10.5) 70.0 (13.0) 74.0 (11.5) 72.0 (12.0) 73.0 (11.0) 68.0 (13.0) 75.0 (10.0)
 Ethnicity, %
  White 449 18.1 24.1 20.6 20.0 19.2 18.9 13.2 24.5
  African-American 339 12.8 19.7 16.8 14.4 16.7 16.9 15.4 17.2
  Native-Hawaiian 147 6.56 6.21 6.56 6.38 4.85 7.95 7.69 4.66
  Japanese-American 845 36.5 37.1 28.9 46.3 32.6 41.1 46.0 30.4
  Latino 478 26.1 12.9 27.1 12.9 26.7 15.2 17.7 23.3
 BMI (kg/m2), %
  18.5 to <25 807 39.5 38.1 37.8 37.6 33.7 35.0 34.2 37.9
  ≥25 to <30 1042 40.4 46.3 42.2 46.8 46.5 45.8 45.1 47.6
  ≥30 409 20.0 15.6 20.0 15.6 19.8 19.1 20.8 14.6
 Smoking status,2 %
  Smoking, pack-years 2258 12.0 (30.5) 3.99 (19.8) 12.0 (31.2) 7.75 (27.5) 10.2 (27.5) 7.75 (27.5) 12.0 (30.5) 3.88 (19.8)
  Never 569 20.0 33.7 21.6 27.1 22.9 25.2 20.8 32.2
  Past 1269 49.8 57.3 50.4 61.9 53.3 62.3 49.0 59.1
  Current 404 29.4 8.51 27.5 10.6 23.1 12.1 29.2 8.30
 Physical activity (moderate and vigorous),3 %
  <30 min/d 859 45.4 31.2 45.0 30.9 48.0 29.9 43.3 30.4
  ≥30 min/d 1363 53.6 67.0 53.4 67.9 50.7 68.9 55.5 67.4
 Education, %
  ≤12 y 1057 52.8 37.4 50.0 42.7 49.8 42.1 50.5 39.5
  13–15 y 652 28.9 32.1 30.1 28.9 29.3 33.3 28.6 32.0
  ≥16 y 549 18.3 30.5 19.9 28.4 20.9 24.6 20.9 28.5
 Family history of CRC,4 % 213 10.8 9.22 11.2 7.09 10.1 8.52 13.4 8.91
 Ever NSAID use,5 % 1041 42.7 44.7 44.7 46.5 47.1 47.9 41.9 47.6
 Stage of disease, %
  Local 1018 42.0 48.4 42.7 48.8 40.5 46.8 44.5 47.4
  Regional 842 38.7 35.3 36.7 35.8 38.1 38.1 37.9 36.4
  Distal 349 16.3 14.4 18.1 13.3 18.3 13.5 15.9 14.2
  Unknown 49 3.01 1.95 2.48 2.13 3.08 1.70 1.61 2.02
 Radiation therapy,6 % 244 14.0 7.45 13.1 8.33 11.01 9.47 14.3 6.68
 Chemotherapy,7 % 724 36.7 27.3 34.6 31.0 34.4 33.0 36.0 28.5
 Alcohol intake, g ethanol/d 2258 4.50 (36.0) 1.64 (12.4) 2.52 (45.1) 4.84 (16.5) 2.46 (25.9) 3.65 (16.5) 6.52 (30.7) 1.54 (13.2)
 Red meat consumption, g/d 2258 70.3 (66.9) 36.0 (43.2) 68.1 (69.2) 44.1 (51.7) 53.9 (50.5) 56.8 (70.0) 74.8 (58.8) 36.2 (45.9)
 Fruit consumption, g/d 2258 69.3 (95.3) 307 (262) 84.8 (105) 294 (240) 77.3 (98.0) 318 (266) 70.4 (87.0) 372 (295)
 Index score points 1946 56.5 (7.77) 82.4 (5.08) 54.1 (5.41) 75.3 (5.64) 2 (1) 6 (1) 18 (3) 29 (3)
 Cases, n 1946 486 486 486 486 414 464 453 422
 Age at diagnosis, y 1946 69.0 (13.0) 74.5 (11.0) 70.0 (13.0) 73.5 (12.0) 71.0 (13.0) 73.0 (12.5) 69.0 (13.0) 74.0 (11.0)
 Ethnicity, %
  White 391 18.3 22.0 21.2 18.3 24.9 16.8 24.9 16.8
  African-American 503 22.6 33.3 29.6 23.9 26.8 27.8 26.8 27.8
  Native Hawaiian 129 9.05 4.94 7.61 5.76 4.83 8.19 4.83 8.19
  Japanese-American 596 26.1 29.6 19.8 44.2 22.7 36.0 22.7 36.0
  Latina 327 23.9 10.1 21.8 7.82 20.8 11.2 20.8 11.2
 BMI (kg/m2), %
  18.5 to <25 784 32.7 44.9 30.5 49.4 33.3 45.0 33.3 45.0
  ≥25 to <30 632 34.0 32.7 31.1 30.5 34.5 30.8 34.5 30.8
  ≥30 530 33.3 22.4 38.5 20.2 32.1 24.1 32.1 24.1
 Smoking status,8 %
  Smoking, pack-years 1946 0 (12.0) 0 (6.40) 0 (12.0) 0 (10.2) 0 (12.0) 0 (6.38) 1.25 (14.2) 0 (3.88)
  Never 1025 47.1 55.6 49.2 55.8 48.6 55.6 48.6 55.6
  Past 646 31.1 32.7 32.1 32.3 33.8 32.1 33.8 32.1
  Current 250 20.0 10.9 16.7 11.1 16.2 11.0 16.2 11.0
 Physical activity (moderate and vigorous),9 %
  <30 min/d 856 50.2 39.9 50.2 38.9 47.6 41.0 47.6 41.0
  ≥30 min/d 1048 46.1 58.4 46.5 60.5 47.3 58.2 47.3 58.2
 Education, %
  ≤12 y 1002 60.3 41.8 59.7 44.2 56.5 45.9 56.5 45.9
  13–15 y 553 28.4 29.4 26.5 31.3 28.0 29.1 28.0 29.1
  ≥16 y 391 11.3 28.8 13.8 24.5 15.5 25.0 15.5 25.0
 Family history of CRC,10 % yes 228 8.85 14.8 8.85 14.8 9.18 15.1 9.18 15.1
 Ever NSAID use,11 % yes 992 54.5 47.1 55.4 43.2 55.3 48.3 55.3 48.3
 Stage of disease, %
  Local 836 41.0 46.9 40.7 43.6 41.3 44.4 41.3 44.4
  Regional 763 38.9 36.4 38.9 36.4 39.1 39.2 39.1 39.2
  Distal 298 17.7 13.6 17.1 16.1 16.9 12.9 16.9 12.9
  Unknown 49 2.47 3.09 3.29 3.91 2.66 3.45 2.66 3.45
 Radiation therapy,12 % yes 130 7.41 5.76 6.79 7.00 7.49 6.90 7.49 6.90
 Chemotherapy,13 % yes 574 29.2 29.0 28.6 31.9 27.5 26.3 27.5 26.3
 Alcohol intake, g ethanol/d 1946 0 (1.01) 0 (0.89) 0 (1.12) 0 (1.87) 0 (0.93) 0 (1.55) 0 (1.44) 0 (0.93)
 Red meat consumption, g/d 1946 49.5 (46.3) 22.7 (25.0) 43.3 (43.3) 29.2 (31.5) 36.9 (36.0) 34.2 (47.3) 51.5 (42.6) 22.9 (25.8)
 Fruit consumption, g/d 1946 99.7 (138) 338 (287) 104 (137) 337 (238) 108 (119) 388 (258) 93.5 (118) 414 (275)

Values are medians (IQRs) or percentages unless otherwise indicated. AHEI, Alternative Healthy Eating Index; aMED, alternate Mediterranean Diet score; CRC, colorectal cancer; DASH, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension; HEI, Healthy Eating Index; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; Q1, lowest index quartile; Q4, highest index quartile.


Data were missing for n = 216, 336, 4333, 573, 67, 748, 841, 942, 10278, 11100, 126, and 1362 subjects.