mvi |
mass of vapor of constituent i in indoor space at time t (kg) |
mli |
mass of liquid of constituent i in indoor space at time t (kg) |
mi |
mass of constituent i in indoor space at time t (kg) |
Ci |
concentration of constituent i in indoor space (kg/m3) |
Vr |
volume of indoor space (m3) |
Qa |
air ventilation (m3/s) |
t |
time (s) |
γi |
activity coefficient (dimensionless) |
xi |
mole fraction of i in particle, liquid phase |
yi |
mass fraction of i in particle, liquid phase |
Psat |
saturation pressure at given temperature (kPa) |
R |
universal gas constant (kJ/(kmol·K)) |
T |
temperature (K) |
Mi |
molecular mass of i (kg/kmol) |
M |
molecular mass of the mixture in particle (liquid phase) (kg/kmol) |
ρ |
density of vapor of i in air (kg/m3) |