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. 2016 Aug 24;16(1):33. doi: 10.1186/s12873-016-0097-y

Table 3.

Regression analyses of significant risk factors related with self-rated health (0 – 100 %) 30 days after ED presentation

Linear regression Multiple regressiona correctedb
N (n) β p-value β p-value p-value
Socio-demographic variables
 Age 1420 −0.08 0.003* −0.01 0.678 0.673
 Marital status (1 = not married) 1423 (544) −0.06 0.015* −0.05 0.056 0.068
Initial clinical presentation
 Main diagnosis 1364
  Cancerc 73 −0.15 <0.001*** −0.08 0.012* 0.042*
  Cardiovascular diseasec 363 0.06 0.022* 0.02 0.468 0.438
 Comorbidity 1164
  COPDd 28 −0.08 0.004* −0.04 0.188 0.209
  Dementiad 15 −0.06 0.015* −0.05 0.139 0.223
  Diabetesd 121 −0.07 0.012* −0.05 0.048* 0.079
  Cancerd 157 −0.15 <0.001*** −0.10 0.001** 0.001*
  Renal failured 303 −0.08 0.001** 0.01 0.845 0.847
 Number of acute medical problems 1298 −0.13 <0.001*** −0.06 0.059 0.082
Course of illness
 Rehospitalisation (1 = yes) 1460 (100) −0.18 <0.001*** −0.13 <0.001*** <0.001***
 Unplanned GP visit (1 = yes) 1460 (51) −0.15 <0.001*** −0.16 <0.001*** <0.001***
 Discharge post-care institution (1 = yes) 1419 (243) −0.16 <0.001*** −0.14 <0.001*** <0.001***
 Length of hospital stay 1452 −0.20 <0.001*** −0.12 <0.001*** <0.001***

β Standardized regression coefficient, COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, ED Emergency department, GP General practitioner

p < 0.05*, p < 0.01**, p < 0.001***

aR2 = 0.1371 (N = 1237)

bbootstrap analysis

call other diagnoses were used as dummy variables

dall other comorbidities were used as dummy variables