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. 2016 Aug 24;16(1):438. doi: 10.1186/s12913-016-1692-z

Table 1.

Opioids-Attributable ED Visits and Inpatient Hospitalizations (IH) by Selected Characteristics, Clark County-NV, 2011-2013

ED visit IH Total Encounters Alcohol-related BZD-related Illicit/recreational drug-relatedc
No. %a No. %a No. %a Rateb No. %a Rateb No. %a Rateb No. %a Rateb
Total 4,631 100.0 5,016 100.0 9,647 100.0 161.0 697 100.0 11.6 817 100.0 13.6 1,120 100.0 18.7
  < 20 y 408 8.8 283 5.6 691 7.2 43.1 24 3.4 1.5 39 4.8 2.4 122 10.9 7.6
 20–34 1,911 41.3 1,450 28.9 3,361 34.8 259.7 204 29.3 15.8 245 30.0 18.9 550 49.1 42.5
 35–54 1,478 31.9 1,469 29.3 2,947 30.5 176.1 305 43.8 18.2 320 39.2 19.1 331 29.6 19.8
 55+ 834 18.0 1,814 36.2 2,648 27.4 186.6 164 23.5 11.6 213 26.1 15.0 117 10.4 8.2
 Female 2,341 50.6 2,674 53.3 5,015 52.0 168.2 273 39.2 9.2 450 55.1 15.1 483 43.1 16.2
 Male 2,290 49.4 2,342 46.7 4,632 48.0 153.9 424 60.8 14.1 367 44.9 12.2 637 56.9 21.2
 Non-Hispanic white 3,342 72.2 3,787 75.5 7,129 73.9 247.1 534 76.6 18.5 616 75.4 21.3 805 71.9 27.9
 Non-Hispanic black 455 9.8 458 9.1 913 9.5 135.7 53 7.6 7.9 68 8.3 10.1 119 10.6 17.7
 Hispanic 535 11.6 369 7.4 904 9.4 50.7 62 8.9 3.5 78 9.5 4.4 105 9.4 5.9
 Other 299 6.5 402 8.0 701 7.3 107.5 48 6.9 7.4 55 6.7 8.4 91 8.1 14.0
Insurance type
 Medicaid 563 12.2 645 12.9 1,208 12.5 -- 88 12.6 -- 138 16.9 -- 168 15.0 --
 Medicare 689 14.9 1,661 33.1 2,350 24.4 -- 128 18.4 -- 190 23.3 -- 130 11.6 --
 Other public (military, indigent, charity) 336 7.3 366 7.3 702 7.3 -- 92 13.2 -- 68 8.3 -- 159 14.2 --
 Private (including workers’ comp) 1,314 28.4 1,878 37.4 3,192 33.1 -- 205 29.4 -- 222 27.2 -- 307 27.4 --
 Self-pay 1,590 34.3 413 8.2 2,003 20.8 -- 171 24.5 -- 185 22.6 -- 319 28.5 --
 Other/unknown 139 3.0 53 1.1 192 2.0 -- 13 1.9 -- 14 1.7 -- 37 3.3 --
Selected comorbiditiesa
 Chronic bodily pains 696 15.0 2,253 44.9 2,949 30.6 49.2 190 27.3 3.2 295 36.1 4.9 226 20.2 3.8
 Affective disorders 885 19.1 1,698 33.9 2,583 26.8 43.1 272 39.0 4.5 425 52.0 7.1 340 30.4 5.7
 Hypertension 565 12.2 1,811 36.1 2,376 24.6 39.7 158 22.7 2.6 215 26.3 3.6 158 14.1 2.6
 Renal failure/diabetes 244 5.3 1,130 22.5 1,374 14.2 22.9 90 12.9 1.5 149 18.2 2.5 105 9.4 1.8
 Chronic lower respiratory disease 255 5.5 892 17.8 1,147 11.9 19.1 83 11.9 1.4 100 12.2 1.7 113 10.1 1.9
 Ischemic heart disease 90 1.9 493 9.8 583 6.0 9.7 30 4.3 0.5 55 6.7 0.9 44 3.9 0.7
 Sleep disorders 57 1.2 341 6.8 398 4.1 6.6 26 3.7 0.4 37 4.5 0.6 34 3.0 0.6
 STI/viral hepatitis 68 1.5 265 5.3 333 3.5 5.6 56 8.0 0.9 38 4.7 0.6 64 5.7 1.1

aComorbid conditions are not mutually exclusive. Crude rates are based on Census total population estimates (average 2011–2013)

bRates are per 100,000 Census population estimates by demographic subgroups unless specified otherwise

cIllicit/recreational drugs include cocaine, cannabinoids, hallucinogens and other stimulants with abuse potential

--Not estimated