Table 3.
Aluminum-induced cytotoxicity in vitro.
Compound | System | ExposureDuration | Concentration | Response/Comments | References |
Al glycinate (Tokyo Kasei Kogyo) | Cultured mouse primary cortical astrocytes | 48 h or 6–12 h followed by 7 day control media culture | 0.1 mM | No change anti-apoptotic Bcl2, pro-apoptotic Bax, IRE1α, PERK, Bbc3/PUMA, ATF6α, ATF6β, CHOP/GADD15, OASIS, STC2 ↑ Ire1β after 6–12 h indicates endoplasmic reticulum stress No concentration-response data |
Aremu et al. (2011) |
Al (C3H5O3)3 | Synthetic Aβ1–42 SH-SY5Y Human neoblastoma cells |
48 h AβPP measures 72 h tau 181 measures |
5 μM Al 0.5 μM Aβ-Al |
↑Aβ-Al annular protofibrils and fibril oligomers ↑ Aβ-Al spherical oligomers and extended β-sheet ↑AβPPα at 48 and 72 h after Aβ-Al ↑tau 181 at 72 h after Aβ-Al |
Bolognin et al. (2011) |
AlCl3 (Sigma) Aβ(25–35) | SH-SY5Y Human neuroblastoma cells |
24, 48, 72 and 96 h | 1, 10, 50, 100 and 300 μM Al 2, 10, 20 and 100 μM Aβ(25–35) |
↑Lethality at > 10 μM Aβ(25–35) No change mitochrondrial activity ≤ 300 μM Al Al dose-dependent ↑ death after co-treatment with 2 μM Aβ(25–35) ↓ β-secretase (BACE1 and BACE2) expression with 10 μM Al and 2 μM Aβ(25–35) |
Castorina et al. (2010) |
Al maltolate | SH-SY5Y Human neuroblastoma cells |
24 h | 50–800 μM | No change viability or morphology at ≤ 200 μM ↓Cell bodies, neuritis and viability at ≥ 400 μM ↓ Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BNDF)-induced cytoskeleton-associated protein (Arc) expression at ≥ 200 μM ↓ BDNF-enhanced phosphor-ERK expression at 200 μM ↓ BDNF-induced phosphorylation, 4EBP, p70S6K, elF4E at 200 μM |
Chen et al. (2011a) |
Al maltolate | Sprague-Dawley rat cortical neurons | 1, 3, 5, and 7 days | 5–200 μM or 12.5 μM for 7 days | ↓Viability at 7 days with 12.5 μM No change sAPPα or full-length cellular AβPP Co-treatment with 25 μM Rho-kinase inhibitor Y-27632 ↓ cytotoxicity and amyloid fibrils |
Chen et al. (2010a) |
AlCl3 • 6H2O (Sigma) | Synthetic Aβ40 peptide | 2–100 s | 500 μM – 20 mM | ↓Aβ oligomerization with Al at ≥ 50 μM Zn+2 and Cu+2 ↑Aβ oligomer formation ↑Buffer acidity and ↑Aβ amorphous aggregation at > 200 μM ↑ Aβ hydrophobic cluster exposure at 500 μM |
Chen et al. (2011b) |
Al+3 (Perkin Elmer stock solution; chemical form not stated) | Synthetic human pro IAPP (1–48) (pancreatic islet amyloid polypeptide) | 7–14 days | 320 μM | ↓ProIAPP (1–48) amyloid formation ↑ProIAPP (1–48) spherulites |
Exley et al. (2010) |
KAl(SO4)3 | 10 nM Recombinant insulin-degrading enzyme Synthetic Aβ1–16 Synthetic Aβ16–28 |
0.5–5.0 h | 100 μM | No influence of Al+3 on IDE activity | Grasso et al. (2011) |
AlCl3 (source and chemical purity not specified) | Cell-free clarified rhodamine-conjugated 5 μm phosphorylated neurofilaments (NF) from adult C57/BalbC mouse spinal cord | 30 min | 1 μM – 4 mM | Dose-dependent ↑ neurofilament aggregation NF dephosphorylation by cakineurin inhibited AlCl3 – induced aggregation |
Kushkuley et al. (2010) |
Al lactate (source and chemical purity not specified) | Human CCF-STTG1 astrocytes Human HepG2 hepatocytes |
24 h | 0, 0.01–0.1 mM 0, 0.01–0.25 mM |
Dose-dependent ↑ α-ketoglutarate and lipid accumulation ↓ γ-Butyrobetaine aldehyde dehydrogenase ↓ Butyrobetaine dioxygenase |
Lemire et al. (2011) |
K[Al (C7H11O6)3] (Al quinate) | Primary Sprague-Dawley rat hippocampal cells | 3 or 24 h 96 h |
10, 100 or 500 μM Al+ 3 | Dose-dependent ↓ neuron survival at 3 h ↓ Glial cell survival at 500 μM at 3 h |
Nday et al. (2010) |
Soluble Al+ 3 (1% HCl, Sigma) with 50 μM Na citrate (Sigma) | Mouse N2a neuroblastoma cells expressing APP695 isoform 8.2 pg Aβ(1–40)/ml negligible Aβ(1–42) |
Aβ(1–40) ↑ neuronal and glial cell death No change cell survival after Aβ (1–40) and 50 μM Al + 3 K[Al (C7H11O6)3] toxicity reduced compared to Al +3 |
Al2 (SO4)3 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae BY4743 | 24 h | 0–3.2 mM | ↓ Concentration-dependent growth at 0.8–1.6 mM Disruption of Pdr5p detoxication pathway ↑Al + 3 accumulation and ↑ cytotoxicity |
Wu et al. (2012c) |
AlCl3 Tridecameric Al polycationic sulfate (nano-Al13) |
Porcine heart malate dehydrogenase | 0–400 s | 0 or 30 mM | ↑ Malate dehydrogenase at pH 7.5 | Yang et al. (2011) |
Al maltolate AlCl3 |
Sprague-Dawley rat (3 day old neonate) primary cortical astrocytes | 12, 24, 48 and 72 h | 0, 200, 400, 800, 1600 μM | Concentration and duration-dependent ↑ apoptosis and lethality ↑ Beclin 1 ↑ LC3II ↓ LC3I Al maltolate was more potent than AlCl3 |
Zeng et al. (2011) |
AlCl3 • H2O | Human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y |
48 h | 0 or 2–8 mM | Concentration ↑ apoptosis and necrosis Percentage of cells with necorsis was always higher than those with apoptosis Treatment with caspase-3 siRNA and Nec-1 reduced cell death |
Zhang et al. (2010a) |
AlCl3 • H2O | Rat gliatoma C6 | 24 h | 0 or 1–8 mM | ↑ apoptosis ↑ necrosis ↑cytochrome c release ↑ Bax expression |
Zhang et al. (2010b) |