Changes in the frequency of NS5A RASs among patients with or without pretreatment RASs through 48 weeks posttreatment. (A) Changes in frequencies among patients with pretreatment RASs included Y93H (n = 3 [GT1a, n = 2; GT1b, n = 1]), L31M (n = 11 [GT1a, n = 7; GT2b, n = 4]), H58D (GT3a, n = 3), Q30H (GT1a, n = 2), M28T (GT1a, n = 3), and Q30R (GT1a, n = 2). (B) Changes in frequencies among patients without pretreatment RASs included Y93H (n = 38 [GT1a, n = 18; GT1b, n = 6; GT2b, n = 2; GT3, n = 12]), L31M (n = 16 [GT1a, n = 11; GT1b, n = 4; GT2b, n = 1]), L31V (n = 25 [GT1a, n = 18; GT1b, n = 5; GT2b, n = 1; GT3, n = 1]), H58D (GT1a, n = 5), M28T (GT1a, n = 17), Q30H (GT1a, n = 6), Q30R (GT1a, n = 10), Y93N (n = 21 [GT1a, n = 14; GT1b, n = 2; GT3a, n = 5]). Means ± standard deviations of frequencies of NS5A variants in patients with RASs and available samples at each visit are shown.