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. 2016 Aug 22;60(9):5412–5419. doi: 10.1128/AAC.00933-16


Summary of the genes related to conjugative transfer

Plasmid name (GenBank accession no.) Length (bp) Mobility gene(s)
T4SS MPF gene(s)b Plasmid transferability Plasmid/contig profile of:d
Similarity (% [WSS])c
Relaxase gene(s) T4CPa A. xylosoxidansKUN4507 K. pneumoniae KUN4843 K. pneumoniae KUN5033
pKUN4507_1 (LC155906) 26,345 nikB, mobC trwB virB5, virB6, traG Mobilizable + + 100 (100)e
pKUN4507_2 (LC155907) 19,889 traD traA, traC, traG Nontransferable +
pKUN4843_1 (LC155908) 38,744 Nontransferable + + 100 (99.99)f
pKUN4843_2 (LC155909) 34,541 mobC virD4 virB2, virB4, virB5, virB6, virB8, virB9, virB10, virB11, virD2, traC Conjugative + + 100 (100)f
pKUN4843_others 103,616 + +
    Contig 22 57,649 + +h 100f,g
    Contig 29 22,103 + +h 100f,g
    Contig 34 8,638 + +h 100f,g
    Contig 35 8,329 finO, traA, traE, traI, traJ, traK traL, traM, traX, traY + +h 100f,g
    Contig 39 5,844 + +h 100f,g
    Contig 53 1,053 + +h 99.0f,g

Type IV secretion system coupling protein.


T4SS, type IV secretion system; MPF, mating pair formation.


Sequence similarity was determined using mapping analysis, and whole-sequence similarity (WSS) of circularized plasmids was calculated using ClustalW.


Presence (+) or absence (−) of the plasmid/contig is indicated.


Sequence similarity between A. xylosoxidans KUN4507 and K. pneumoniaeKUN5033.


Sequence similarity between K. pneumoniae KUN4843 and K. pneumoniae KUN5033.


Excluding the regions where depth of coverage is <10%.


The Illumina reads of K. pneumoniae KUN5053 could be mapped to this contig of KUN4843.