Validation of the CSC model. (A) Identification of a CSC subpopulation (CD133+ cells) in the HPAF-II pancreatic cancer cell line and evaluation of CD133 expression in cell subpopulations sorted by flow cytometry. (a) Isotype stained cells were used as controls. (b) HPAF-II cells stained with CD133/2-phycoerythrin monoclonal antibody. (B) Enrichment of HPAF-II CD133+ subpopulation isolated by magnetic-activated cell sorting represented on a frequency distribution histogram. The HPAF-II CD133+ subpopulation exhibits 8.89% of CD133+ cells, while the HPAF-II CD133low subpopulation exhibited 3.07% of CD133+ cells, representing an enriched and a depleted population, respectively. (C) CD133 expression in HPAF-II tumor xenografts determined by immunohistochemistry (magnification, ×400). Hemotoxylin and eosin staining was used to reveal the morphology of the tumors (magnification, ×100). CSC, cancer stem cell; CD, cluster of differentiation; H&E, hematoxylin and eosin; SSC-H, measures cell granularity or internal complexity; FH2, phycoerythrin detection; % of Max, % of maximum (normalization method).