This is obtained by rewriting
with XMgO=0.5 (pyrolitic mantle). This curve (red for MgO, blue
for Mg) allows determining magnesium saturation in the core at a given
temperature. This threshold is important to (i) estimate
the present-day MgO content of the core, and hence how much MgO was lost by
exsolution over geologic time (Extended Data
Fig. 4), and to (ii) estimate the temperature at
which MgO exsolution started after core formation (Extended Data Fig. 5). For instance, for a core
containing 2.9 wt.% MgO (for a Mars-sized impact, see Extended Data Fig. 3), exsolution is not bound to occur
until the temperature at the CMB cools below 5030 K. Moreover, if the
present-day CMB temperature is 4100 K, the MgO saturation in the present-day
core is 1.1 wt.%, so that the total amount of MgO that can be exsolved from
the core isn’t the total initial MgO content, but that amount minus
the present-day saturation value.