Shown on the left is a “top-down view” of MPQX-bound receptor-TARP complex structure (in color) superimposed with the crystal structure of an active state GluA2 receptor (in grey) in complex with a partial agonist, fluorowilliardiine (FW) and a positive allosteric modulator, (R, R)-2b, using the central M3 helices as a reference. ATDs and LBDs were omitted for clarity. The modeled pseudo-complex consisting of TARPs and the active state receptor illustrates a possible mechanism for how TARP interacts with receptor LBD during activation. Enlarged views of the MPQX-bound complex structure and FW/(R, R)-2b bound complex model were shown side by side at both D’ and A’ TARP positions. LBD helices and a S2-M4 linker were labeled according to convention.