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. 2016 Jul 24;118(3):467–479. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcw119

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

Mean enrichment factors (ε) for 13C and 15N of (A) fully mycoheterotrophic (FMH) Orchidaceae and Ericaceae and (B) partially mycoheterotrophic (PMH) Orchidaceae and Ericaceae associated with fungi forming ectomycorrhizas. Boxes represent one standard deviation of the mean ε values for the four significantly distinguished groups of (partially) mycoheterotrophic Orchidaceae and Ericaceae and for their respective photosynthetic reference plants (REF, n = 1433. Abbreviations of the species and numbers of replicates (n) are as follows: FMH Orchidaceae (n = 126): Apca, Aphyllorchis caudata; Apmo, A. montana; Ceda(a), Cephalanthera damasonium albino; Ceex, C. exigua; Celo(a), C. longifolia albino; Coma, Corallorhiza maculata; Cost, Corallorhiza striata; Cyab, Cymbidium aberrans; Cyma, C. macrorhizon; Epap, Epipogium aphyllum; Leni, Lecanorchis nigricans; Leth, Lecanorchis thalassica; Neni, Neottia nidus-avis; (REF, n = 628). FMH Ericaceae (n = 134): Hymo, Hypopitys monotropa; Monoun, Monotropa uniflora; Ptan, Pterospora andromedea; Pyap, Pyrola aphylla; Sasa, Sarcodes sanguinea; (REF, n = 403). PMH Orchidaceae (n = 189): Ceda, Cephalanthera damasonium; Ceer, C. erecta; Celo, C. longifolia; Ceru, C. rubra; Cotr, Corallorhiza trifida; Cygo, Cymbidium goeringii; Cyla, C. lancifolium; Epat, Epipactis atrorubens; Epdi, E. distans; Ephe, E. helleborine; Eple, E. leptochila; Liab, Limodorum abortivum; Litr, L. trabutianum; Plmi, Platanthera minor; (REF, n = 662). PMH Ericaceae (n = 606): Chum, Chimaphila umbellata; Moneun, Moneses uniflora; Orse, Orthilia secunda; Pych, Pyrola chlorantha; Pyja, P. japonica; Pymi, P. minor; Pypi, P. picta; Pyro, P. rotundifolia; (REF, n = 627).