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. 2016 Aug 25;11(8):e0161461. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0161461

Table 3. Corrected Associations between PA and Allergic Phenotype.

Models corrected for age, height, season of accelerometry, nutritional intervention, parental education and study center.

Trait Vigorous activity Moderate activity Any sport
% change P % change P Odds ratio P
Boys Conditions
Asthma1 (N = 53) -29.14 0.0076 -12.81 0.041 0.63 0.18
Rhinitis, no asthma2 (N = 50) -6.83 0.59 -13.14 0.037 1.17 0.69
Atopy, no rhinitis or asthma3 (N = 197) -4.29 0.57 -4.53 0.23 0.91 0.66
Lung-healthy 4 (N = 238) (reference) -- (reference) -- (reference) --
Symptoms (all subjects)
Wheezing (N = 33) -12.3 0.36 -10.48 0.14 0.53 0.093
Nose/eye symptoms (N = 102) -5.34 0.55 -4.97 0.29 1.24 0.41
Girls Conditions
Asthma (N = 41) 23.02 0.14 9.67 0.24 2.02 0.14
Rhinitis, no asthma (N = 40) -1.26 0.93 -5.64 0.44 0.77 0.49
Atopy, no rhinitis or asthma (N = 166) -7.54 0.33 -5.96 0.16 1.46 0.11
Lung-healthy (N = 352) (reference) -- (reference) -- (reference) --
Symptoms (all subjects)
Wheezing (N = 40) 16.37 0.29 12.77 0.12 1.23 0.62
Nose/eye symptoms (N = 93) -5.32 0.57 -6.83 0.18 0.90 0.70

1) Asthma: At age 15 the subject reported at least 2 of the following traits: doctor diagnosis of asthma at any time since age 3, asthma medication in past 12 months, wheezing in past 12 months, as in Jarvis et al (2012)

2) Rhinitis: Current rhinitis or hayfever at age 15, but no asthma or asthma medicine

3) Atopy: No asthma, no rhinitis, but one or more positive RAST (IgE ≥0.35) for aero-allergens (birch, mugwort, ambrosia, grass, rye, dogs, cats, dust mites (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus) and indoor mold (Cladosporium herbarum)

4) Lung-healthy: No asthma ever; no current rhinitis; no wheezing or nose/eye symptoms in past year; no current drugs for asthma or rhinitis; no RAST over 0.35 or positive bronchodilator response as defined in Miller et al (2005) and Flexeder et al (2015) [38]

Bold text if p≤ 0.10. P-values from generalized linear models treating VPA and MPA as lognormal, sport as binary (any vs. none.)