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. 2016 Feb 24;37(8):11115–11126. doi: 10.1007/s13277-016-4991-4

Table 1.

Cell line characteristics

Cell line number Sex Age (years) Primary tumor location TNM Specimen site Type of lesion Grade Survival
UT-SCC-6A F 51 Supraglottic larynx T2N1M0 Larynx rec G1 DWD 31 months
UT-SCC-6B F 51 Supraglottic larynx T2N1M0 Neck met G1 DWD 31 months
UT-SCC-8 M 42 Supraglottic larynx T2N0M0 Larynx pri G1 DWD 35 months
UT-SCC-11 M 58 Glottic larynx T1N0M0 Larynx rec G2 DNE >5 years
UT-SCC-13 M 53 Supraglottic larynx T3N0M0 Larynx rec G2 DWD 11 months
UT-SCC-19A M 44 Glottic larynx T4N0M0 Larynx pri G2 DNE >5 years
UT-SCC-19B M 44 Glottic larynx T4N0M0 Larynx pri (per) G2 DNE >5 years
UT-SCC-22 M 79 Glottic larynx T1N0M0 Larynx rec G2 DWD 28 months
UT-SCC-23 M 66 SCC transglottic T3N0M0 Larynx pri (per) G1 DNE >5 years
UT-SCC-29 M 82 Glottic larynx T2N0M0 Larynx pri G1 DNE 10 years and 4 months
UT-SCC-34 M 63 Supraglottic larynx T4N0M0 Supraglottic larynx pri G1 DWD 10 months
UT-SCC-35 M 50 Glottic larynx T2N0M0 Larynx resid G2 DWD 10 months
UT-SCC-38 M 66 Glottic larynx T2N0M0 Larynx pri G2 DWD 16 months
UT-SCC-42B M 43 Supraglottic larynx T4N3M0 Neck pri G3 DWD 2 months
UT-SCC-49 M 76 Glottic larynx T2N0M0 Larynx pri G2 DWD 2 years and 7 months
UT-SCC-50 M 70 Glottic larynx T2N0;rT2N0 Larynx rec G3 ANE >5 years
UT-SCC-57 M 76 Glottic larynx T2N0M0 Larynx rec G1-G2 DWD 4 years
UT-SCC-75 M 56 SCC laryngis T2N2BM0 Larynx pri G2 D, NED 2 years and 6 months
UT-SCC-106A M 59 SCC plicae vocalis T1AN0M0 Larynx pri G2 DNE second pri 4 years and 1 month
UT-SCC-106B M 59 SCC plicae vocalis rT3N0M0 Larynx rec G3 DWD 5 days
UT-SCC-107 M 46 SCC laryngis supraglottis T4N2CM0 larynx pri G2 DNE 19 months
UT-SCC-108 M 68 SCC laryngis supraglottis T2N0M0 larynx pri G3 DWD 19 months
UT-SCC-113 M 50 SCC laryngis transglottica T3N0M0 larynx pri G3 DWD 17 months
UT-SCC-116 M 60 SCC laryngis supraglottis T4N1M0 larynx pri G2 DWD 9 months
UT-SCC-117 M 71 SCC laryngis (resid T2N0M0) T2N0M0 Larynx rec G2 DWD 47 months

All cell lines were obtained in University of Turku (Finland)

M male, F female, TNM TNM classification (T tumor, N lymph node involvement, M distance metastases), pri primary tumor, rec recurrence, met metastasis, per persistent tumor, DWD died with the disease, DNE died with no disease evident, ANE alive with no disease evident