Figure 1. Method summary.
(a) Equivalence between Ecopath and Lotka–Volterra models: simplified diagram of trophic flows between one consumer C and one resource R parameterized with Ecopath model (in blue) and Lotka–Volterra model (in green). B is biomass (t km−2), (P/B)c and (Q/B)c are the production/biomass and consumption/biomass ratios of C respectively (per year), DCcr is the proportion of resource R in the diet of consumer C, erc expresses the efficiency of a consumer to convert resource energy into biomass with erc=. (b) Community matrix construction: derivation of community matrix elements for the simplified food web presented in diagram A, and an example of community matrix structure observed in real food webs. (c) Measure of stability: the eigenvalues of a large community matrix are uniformly distributed on a circle on the complex plane (axes cross at the origin). On the real axis, the dominant eigenvalue Re(λmax)=R−
, where the centre of the circle
is equal to the mean of intraspecific interaction terms
, and the radius R is related to interspecific interaction terms (that is, off-diagonal elements of the community matrix) and is equal to
in random matrices. For predator-prey communities, the eigenvalues are uniformly distributed on an ellipse with a horizontal half axis
(ref. 11).