FIG 3 .
Determinants of nuclear F-actin induction. (A) Rows i and ii, HFFs stably expressing LifeAct-GFP-NLS (green) were infected with either UV-inactivated (+) or mock-UV-inactivated (−) WT HCMV (MOI of 1). At 24 hpi, cells were fixed, stained with an anti-IE 1/2 antibody (red) and DAPI (blue), and imaged with spinning-disk confocal microscopy. Rows iii to v, LifeAct-GFP-NLS-expressing HFFs were infected with WT HCMV (MOI of 1) and treated with cycloheximide (CHX), ganciclovir (GCV), or DMSO vehicle between 0 and 24 hpi. Cells were then fixed and processed as described above. Images are single Z-sections. Bar, 10 µm. (B) The percentage of cells with detectable filamentous LifeAct-GFP-NLS staining was quantified for each condition described above (no UV, n = 47; UV, n = 50; DMSO, n = 55; CHX, n = 48; GCV, n = 66).