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. 2016 Jul 20;241(15):1699–1707. doi: 10.1177/1535370216660215

Table 1.

Publications included in the review process.

Author Year Pts Males Age Biomarkers studied Exercise regimen Walking distance Pts characteristics Findings
Ηobbs et al.9 2007 34 27 Mean 67 TAT, PF1 + 2 Rotation of exercise including treadmill 3 km/h at a 10% incline to absolute claudication distance or 1000 m 2 times a week 20–500 m IC; ABI < 0.9 TAT levels are similar between the groups over the 6-month study period/Significant increase of PF1 + 2 in the group who receive cilostazol
Collins et al.2 2006 20 16 68 ± 8 TAT, D-dimer Treadmill to absolute claudication distance; 3.5 km/h, 5% incline NA IC; ABI < 0.8 D-dimer rise similar to healthy individuals (P = .003); TAT rise 128% (P = .003)
Killewich et al.10 2004 21 21 68 ± 1 tPA, PAI Treadmill 3 times a week for six months NA IC; ABI < 0.9 tPA rise by 28% (P = .003); PAI drop by 23% (P = 0.01) @6 m
Burns et al.11 2003 10 10 Mean 61 (range 58–70) TAT, PF1 + 2, D-dimer, FdDP 3.5 km/h at a gradient of 12% until the absolute claudication distance 25–300 m ABI < 0.8; claudicant, as defined by Edinburgh Claudication Questionnaire Rise in TAT, PF1 + 2, D-dimer, FDP (significant when compared to non-smoking controls)
Womack et al.12 2001 9 8 70 ± 6 tPA, PAI 65% of maximal intensity until 30 min NA Fontaine II tPA levels rise by 180% (P = .017); PAI-1 and tPA antigen changed non-significantly; PAI-1 levels decreased by 43% (P = 0.017)
Gardner and Killewich13 2002 106 NA 70 ± 1 tPA, PAI Accelerometer during 48 h usual activity and then 6-min walking and treadmill exercise to ACD NA PAD and IC; Fontaine II Impaired fibrinolysis in lower activity group; drop of tPA and rise of PAI
Constans et al.14 2000 20 NA 66 ± 10 PF1 + 2, D-dimer, PAI, TFPI, sTM, vWF, sTM 2 treadmill exercises in two weeks; 10% slope, 3.2 km/h Mean 225 ± 180 Fontaine II (ABI < 0.8) At ACD P-selectin and sTM levels were significantly higher (P < .01); at recuperation period PAI-1 levels decreased (P < .01) while PF1 + 2 increased (P < .05)
Killewich et al.15 1998 80 80 69 PAI-1 activity, tPA (Ag and activity) 6-min walk during which pain-free walking time and distance were measured NA Mild claudicants (MC) with mean ABI 0.65 ± 0.04; severe claudicants (SC) with ABI 0.58 ± 0.03 Increased PAI-1 activity in both MC and SC compared to healthy controls (P = .01 and P = .02 respectively); Increased tPA antigen levels (P = .001) and decreased tPA activity (P = .001) in SC group only
Mustonen et al.16 1998 15 10 59 ± 8 (42–70) TAT, D-dimer, tPA:Ag, PAI-1:Ag, tPA ativity, PAP Treadmill to max walking distance; at 3.2 km/h, flat for first 2 min; thereafter, the inclination angle was increased by 2° every 2 min Median 567 m (140–1500 m) Fontaine stage II D-dimer significantly higher than control group (<.003); tPA/PAI-1 ratio almost constant; TAT rise (PT < .05)
Woodburn et al.17 1997 20 11 46–71 tPA, PAI vWF Treadmill to maximum walking distance or 200 m; 2 km/h, 10 incline Median 94 m (76–116 m) Symptomatic PAOD Not significant alterations
Edwards et al.18 1994 11 7 Mean 61 (range 56–71) vWF Treadmill to max walking distance; at 3 km/h, 10° inclination NA Stable intermittent claudication as a result of femoropopliteal disease; no clinical evidence of DM or ischemic heart disease Significant vWF rise (P < 0.05) at 60 min post-exercise
Herren et al.19 1994 22 14 Mean 65 (range 46–80) PF1 + 2, TAT, D-dimer, fibrinogen Treadmill until symptoms appeared; 10% inclination 271.3 ± 149.4 Fontaine II No significant changes related to exercise; changes only related to severity and ABI, and ECG changes
De Buyzere et al.20 1993 34 26 Mean 62 PF1 + 2, TAT, D-dimer, fibrinogen Treadmill at constant speed, inclination starting from 0% by 5% every 3 min to max 15% 583 ± 40 Fontaine II Significant fibrinogen rise (P < 0.01); PF1 + 2, TAT, D-dimer higher in claudicants (P < 0.01 vs. control) but no significant rise after exercise

FDP, fibrin degradation products; PAI, plasminogen activator inhibitor; PAP, plasmin-α2-antiplasmin; PF1 + 2, prothrombin factors 1 and 2; sTM, scanning tunneling microscope; TAT, thrombin–antithrombin complex; tPA, tissue polypeptide antigen; vWF, von Willebrand factor.